Email to jellyhair, because he didnt respond to email with ID.
Email to jellyhair, because he didnt respond to email with ID.
Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, is a beautiful town, famous for the Grachten, the Dutch food, the picturesque houses and surely the coffee shops. Amsterdam welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world to spend their money and have a wonderful time.
Virtually everyone is very welcome to see the Reichsmuseum, the Leidseplein, the Dam Square, the Anne Frank House, the Vondelpark, many more attractions and have party, BUT there is “The Rally Annoying Tourist” who is not really liked.
Here are a few tips not to be “The Tourist” and if you follow them, you will enjoy a hazzle free stay!
If you follow these easy steps, there’s nothing which can go wrong on your stay.
Vil called Jellyhair and clarified and confirmed move in date for Friday. Jellyhair received all requested documents.
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Since my first post “Indy’s BLOG! – Vil, Victor and Indy on the road. A real story!” BY INDYTHEDOG ON FEBRUARY 22, 2016 we had an interesting journey, visited many countries. slept on the road and the beach, so many things happened and today I will publish the 300th post. I never thought that our journey will be so long and also I never expected to write so many posts, but with us, live always goes a different way than expected.
I am really happy about the feedback I received. Ay first I thought they are just polite, but now I start to believe that I can write. 🙂 Most of the readers really like the blog and they think our story is interesting. Ok, every dog thinks her life is the most exciting life in the world, but after receiving so much positive feedback it made me think, that there might be something to our story which makes the people curious and read.
You can believe me it was quite a bit of work to type all this with my paws. A mobile phone or a computer touchpad is not really made for dog usage. What started as a short note diary of our journey became a project we think might worth pursuing for our future.
Author statistics:
Estimating an average of 500 words to fit on one A4 page, we already wrote around 46k words / 500 = 82 DIN A4 pages and we are just starting to write content. 🙂 Not to forget all the unwritten stories and all the images. Plenty of stuff to add.
300 posts telling the story of the unconditional belief in a better future, even if the odds are bad. A story of not giving up and trying hard to survive. This is the 300th post and I am a bit proud of what we experienced the last two years. We started from literally zero and after many ups and downs, we are now on a good way to build a foundation for a future life.
We want to use 2018 to rewrite and complete our BLOG. We want to write our story as encouragement for others not to give up, to tell that there is always a second chance, even if the world has only pain and dark colours for you in the moment. Maybe we can publish our story, we will see.
For now, we call the Story of “Vil, Victor and Indy on the Road” as officially ended, BUT we will continue to write and report from our ‘new and boring’ life. Sure there will be the occasional roller coaster and that’s no biggie, because “Who wants to have a ‘boring’ life?”
We are thinking about “really” publishing our story and not only having a blog. Maybe I write a “road novel based on a true story” 🙂 or an audio book? I can imagine merchandise like “Indy’s preferred dog food” or a coffee mug with my picture. Who knows?!
I will try to find a publisher or someone to help me finishing, but whatever happens, I will continue to write and maybe some day we have success and if not, well, we tried. Positive thinking.
Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.
Like and Follow us
Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
You can like us on Facebook
You can follow us on Instagram
You can follow us on Twitter
I’ve added a google map with the locations and links to some of our stories. The map is not complete, yet, but I will continue to add locations.
Normally I am totally annoyed by useless stuff shared all over and cluttering my inboxes. I don’t share many videos from YouTube, but this one is different and I can’t help myself!
Dear friends,
2018 just started, the year is only a few days old and the first big challenge for this year already arrived. Vil’s health becomes more and more erratic and very hard to control which leads to permanent discomfort, nausea and to a very unpleasant live experience. Fortunately Vil’s manager and his company offered all support they can give and they consider extending the existing contract as support. Vil is blown away. but sceptic, because he heard all that already a few times and the situation ended mostly by losing his job.
Anyhow, challenges are there to be mastered!
Dear Friends,
With these wise words we want have a short look back and remember an exceptional year. A year which made us sad and happy. A year we met new friends and we needed to say goodbye to some. It was again a ‘roller-coaster’ year, with all up and downs, a time which we don’t want to miss, but we are happy to say goodbye to.
We are nearly a year in Amsterdam and after many stressful weeks, life became a bit more ‘normal’. I am looking forward to a new year with positive feelings and considering our actual situation we are good for now. We do have a wonderful flat, Vil takes care about his health and the company is very satisfied with his work and supportive with his”issues”. Seem, that he made a good impression and the employer wants to keep him.
OK, enough sentimentality! 🙂
Looking forward to a new year, we are happy to welcome 2018. Every new year has a new challenge and 2018 already have a few ready for us.
Most important Vil’s health needs to get better. He is stable now, but improvement is still needed and he is on a good way.
Next, we need to we want to use 2018 to rewrite and complete our BLOG. We want to write our story as encouragement for others not to give up, to tell that there is always a second chance, even if the world has only pain and dark colours for you in the moment. Maybe we can publish our story, we will see.
For now, we call the Story of “Vil, Victor and Indy on the Road” as officially ended, BUT we will continue to write and report from our ‘new and boring’ life. Sure there will be the occasional roller coaster and that’s no biggie, because “Who wants to have a ‘boring’ life?”
The next months Vil will work as much as possible, we will life cheap and try to save as much money as possible and then finally buy a nice camper and spend our life somewhere more warm. Why pay hundreds of Euros a month for an overpriced apartment if you can have it way cheaper and the beach just a few meters away?
Please use the provided links to our social media and support channels.
We wish a happy and healthy 2018 for you, your loved ones and everyone on earth.
Indy & Vil
Yesterday we, Roberta, Rossy, Vil and me, went to our favorite place “The Kashmir Lounge” in Amsterdam, Jan Pieter Heijestraat, and celebrated the anniversary with a huge party. Everyone was invited to share the moment, have a nice evening with friends, dance, drink and enjoy a bite of finger food. Good vibes all over, happy people enjoying the evening and celebrating a milestone in Amsterdam’s nightlife. I was invited too, because what is a party without “The Shop-Dog”? 🙂
The Kashmir Lounge is just a few meters down the road and we are “regulars”. I feel very welcome. I really like the staff, all of them are so nice to me and whenever I pop in for a “sniff and greet”, there is a cookie for me, even the lady who normally really fears dogs was smiling at me. NOICE-Bark!
The party was a huge success for everyone, especially the Kashmir Lounge. We had a wonderful time a happy and good night. Nice people dancing, chatting and laughing. I like to see the people in a good mood.
Vil is standing in the corner and dancing ecstatically.
As a highlight, there was a small lottery and everyone present participated.
The third price was announced first. “White 84” said the guy on stage and Vil checked his tickets, but he had no Luck. “Naaaa,…. Green 83…, that does not count!” We hear someone happy shouting and we have a first winner. A base cap, some chocolate a hoody and a little “surprise present” in an envelope. The crowd is applauding.
Then the second price was announced and Vil drew again nothing, but the guy who won the third price shouted again “Winner!”. I barked to Vil: “No luck, so far?” Vil turned around. “Hey, you better wish us luck, if we win, we will have the best Christmas ever, if not, we will be totally broke by tomorrow.” The party continues with an announcement: “We will have a bit of music now, then draw the first price and see if we have a different winner then.” The crowd is cheering.
“Let’s go out and have a shit.!”, I barked, but Vil said: “NOPE! Not now, the first price will be announced soon and I don’t want to miss it.”, so I have to squeeze it for now.
The music stops. “Now it’s the moment all if you are waiting for. The first price.” The whole bar becomes silent and the big ticket is drawn. “We have a winning ticket, it’s white…..” Vil has some white tickets, but the light is not very good. “There is a small number on it………… And the winning number is …….. One Four Five…… one hundred forty-five white.” Vil checks his numbers …. “I do have a ticket with the right number, but I don’t know if the color is ok.”, he says. “Go to the stage and ask!”, I bark.
Vil is a bit shaky and walks through the crow to the stage. “I do have a ticket with 145, but I don’t know if the color is correct.” The guy on the stage invites Vil up on stage to show his ticket. “Let’s see if they fit.” It’s a tense moment, “…… WE HAVE A WINNER!” The crowd is ecstatic. Vil got the golden ticket and won tonight’s jackpot.
Vil was very happy to win the jackpot, but he was even more happy about the fact that he could share the moment with friends and people he loves. More dancing and party! 🙂
Later we went home, still happy and cheerful. This was a wonderful day, we really enjoyed the company and we had plenty of fun.