Tag Archives: Landlord Welfare Ladies

The welfare ladies (again)

Yesterday one of the welfare ladies lost it and insulted one of our friends and this sms conversation happened.


Hello. Please stop annoying your neighbours and deal with me. The neighbours are NOT your business. I asked you before, please send me the contact details of your social worker. I need them to send the keys and to file an official complaint against you and her.
Again. Running away won’t save you this time. Blocking on whatsapp doesn’t work either.

Welfare lady:

Just give me the keys


Nope. I will report you anyway. So I need the contact details. Do you really think that you can get out of that without paying? You are a fraud and your social worker is a criminal helping you. I will do whatever is needed to stop you ducking up people. Better you face it. THE GAME IS OVER! So send me the contact details or I will go personally to the office and complain. Anyway, you will take responsibility for your actions.

Do you really think cheating the system can go on forever without you taking responsibility? With me you tried to cheat the wrong one. And yes I am very angry and anger is the best energy to get revenge. So face it. The game is over and now it’s judgement time.

Welfare lady:

You know what keep the keys otherwise i stick it in your ass you stinking kutmof


Well. Even getting rude won’t help you. You are a welfare fraud and you will pay for it. Your social worker is a criminal and she will pay for it as well. Face it. YOU LOST. And please continue to missbahave, that’s exactly what I expect from a stealing and manipulative person like you. You have no shame and your time is OVER! Tell you social worker to call me today or tomorrow otherwise I will go to the office on Monday and then hell will break loose. 😉

Welfare lady:

Ga xxxx lekker boemsen


Wow. Thank you for being so stupid to write this. A good prove for the lawyer that you are a irresponsible parasite. If you continue like this you will also get a police report of insulting people.


P.S.: If Patreon needs any prove, I am happy to provide them a statement, photos and the keys.

More about this HERE.

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Indy’s BLOG – WhatsApp to the Welfare Ladies!

Vil is quite pissed and he wrote a final ‘goodbye’ to the Welfare Ladies via WhatsApp.

“Hello Welfare Lady. The keys will be sent to your social worker via registered mail to have prove of delivery. The police advised me to do it that way. Please send me her postal address. Also, I made a report at the police station of fraud. the local police man will surely come and visit you both and he will have some interesting questions for you. I apologise for the things I left, but I couldn’t stand your faces anymore. Anyway, you will stop ducking up people. I will make sure of that. Additionally, i will evaluate the opportunity to claim compensation for my financial damages. NO regards and no swearing words you both surely deserve.”

Indy’s BLOG – Rude wake up! (Again!)

We came ‘home’ very late and this morning we’re woken up by a woman we don’t now, telling us we need to move: NOW!

“Excuse me, please. Who TF are you?”

“I am a friend of your landlady and I want to make sure you move.”

“Allrite. Well, I tell you what I will do. At first, I will get ducking dressed. Do you understand me? Then I will have a coffee and then start moving. I will go and get a van, come back, pick up my stuff and then leave That’s the way it will work and nothing else.”

“But we want the keys now.”

“Naaaaaa. Do you really think I trust you enough? After all? I don’t. I will get my stuff and when I have everything packed, then I will give you the keys.”

“Then we will get your stuff and throw it out on the floor.”

“Go for it. And the next thing I will do is reporting the landlady and the social worker to the police. She rents out for more than five years, the social worker is aware of that, around 25.000 euro fraud the last five years. That’s criminal. So you better think and consider what’s at stake. We have nothing to lose, but the social worker will because her behaviour could be considered as aiding a criminal,  which will cause serious problems for her. Again, be reasonable. We will get a van now and then pack our stuff.”

“When? You need to be out ……”

“No real idea, but as soon as possible. I will get then van now. See you later.”

We went to get a van from our good friends at boo-rent.nl. No stress, we will move our stuff, easy!

Indy’s BLOG – Call from the social worker of our actual “landlady”.


You need to know that the rooms are rented out illegally because this is a subsidized flat and the landlady is nuts and on welfare. We were told by neighbours that she rents out for years now and no one complains…… and the most shocking fact: “The social worker is aware of that and she does nothing to stop this exploitation of the welfare system, actually quite the opposite, she supports this behaviour by not reporting her, but read more.

A phone call on Vil’s mobile.

SW: “Hello, here is the social worker of your landlady, we met before and you know who I am?”

Vil: “Hello, yes I do remember you. What’s up?”

SW: “My client is very sick, stressed out, she doesn’t eat and you need to leave the house NOW!”

Vil: “That was not agreed. I already accepted that she is not OK with us on whatever reason, but she gave us until the end of the month and we voluntarily agreed that we move somehow next week.”

SW: “If you pay now, then you can stay until tomorrow and you lave tomorrow. ”

Vil: “Isn’t it funny. You client is very sick and when it’s a bit money,  she feels better

SW: “But you need to leave today, she is very sick…..”

Vil: “She is sick about the situation, I totally understand, but I can’t leave now, there is no place we can go to and we won’t sleep on the streets. So your client needs to live with the consequences of her actions. I am ok to leave next days, as agreed, but NOT immediately. Maybe I can arrange something for tomorrow, but not today.”

SW: “But that is so much stress on her.”

Vil: “I understand and the last days we made ourselves nearly invisible, we just sleep there, we did everything we can to make it as easy as possible, but we won’t accept to go on the street, because your client doesn’t know what she does.”

SW: “You need to leave today or…..(OR?)”

Vil: “Naaa, stop! Excuse me, please? Well, I think it’s not a good idea to work with threats right now, because if you insist on threatening me I will report you and your client to your superiors. The room is rented out illegally, this is a subsidized flat and you are aware of that, that’s a fact and this goes on for years now. So if you continue to insist that I leave today or continue to threaten me, ….. You have way more to lose than us. I will arrange a van tomorrow and put all my stuff away, but I will sleep there today. There is no discussion.”

SW: “You can go to the Salvation Army.”

Vil: “No dogs allowed.”

SW: “You can go to a hotel?”

Vil: “Most likely no dogs allowed and who pays the room? Us? No way! I will sleep there tonight and tomorrow I will arrange the van. I already paid a van once and your client can be happy that I am not asking some money back.”

SW: “….., but you need to leave. My client is sick and stressed.”

Vil: “Again, I totally understand, but what about us? I am diabetic myself. I do have severe never damage and my stomach is not very good right now. Believe me, all this is no good for me as well. Also to stay out all day is not very nice as well. How do you think it feels when you have no place to go and the people are playing with you?”

SW: “….. but I need to do my job and care about my client.”

Vil: “I get it, BUT what about us? We don’t go on the street, because your client doesn’t know what she is doing. Naaaaaa, no way, you should have done your job in the first place and we wouldn’t have this situation right now. You knew what’s going on., you met us before and that time all was “hunky dory” and now you change your mind without any awareness of consequences? No way! We will come back late tonight and sleep at the place. Tomorrow I will organize a van and move all to a storage place and that’s it!”

SILENCE! ……. Click!

Indy’s BLOG – What’s wrong with us?

Today we moved our stuff to Zaandijk, moved boxes (again) and we had a nice day until the landlady told us that she doesn’t feel good with us and we need to leave until the end of the month. WTF? That’s a new record. 🙂 We’ve got thrown out before we even finished moving in. We don’t understand why, but we need to accept. Arrghhhh.

That’s the second time we got screwed like this. Nothing personal, but why people doesn’t consider the consequences of their actions? Maybe first they see just the money and then they realize that nothing is free?! No idea, but unfortunate we need to life with the consequences.