Tag Archives: Gesundheit


Now, I need to tackle my blood sugar levels. As my digestive system slowly restarts and I need to learn how to adjust my diet to the new situation.

It’s a try and error operation. I do have a little guidance, but now I need to combine a diabetes diet with a low ballast one. Somehow counterproductive.

I am a cyborg!

I carry a new and fancy RFC Blood Sugar Sensor. No more blood needed to measure my actual status. Now I am directly connected to my smartphone and with a push of a button, I am up to date.

Now an app monitors my sugar level in real-time and warns me if my levels get critical.

As days go by!

I am still at the ICU and I realize that the recovery process will last longer than expected, but there is hope because the recovery process improves a little bit day by day. No more heavy pain medication needed, the sleep is ok and I had my first successful visit to the loo for two weeks. Jipiieeeeee, time to celebrate!


My consciousness came back, I slowly wake up. I hear the beeps of all the monitors.

My first thoughts. “How do I feel? Is there any pain or nausea?” I carefully check inside me and to my relief, I feel surprisingly good.

The nurse shows up. She tells me that the procedure went fine, with no complications.