Tag Archives: Alfred

Indy’s BLOG – Squat-Note

Email sent to owner.
XYZ is gone and for my part I will NOT leave tomorrow, because I have no place to go and I don’t go on the road. I do have a signed rental agreement with XYZ and this will prove that I do already live in the house for a certain time. I am a legal tenant and you can’t expel me with out an official order.
Feel free to call the police. Before you do so I will point you to this article:
I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but in this situation I have no choice. Stephan ripped me off and we need to live with the consequences. For my part I need to survive, I am diabetic and sick and I won’t make it on the road. Don’t misunderstand me, I understand your problems, but I am sorry for me it’s really about surviving and with you it’s just about money. I would be willing to discuss a rental agreement with you, maybe we find a way we both can agree on.
I apologize for the inconvenience
Let’s see if this works.

Indy’s BLOG – We’re officially squatting a house! :)

From today on we are officially squatting a house in Badalona. We have no gas, electricity and internet still work, but we don’t know for how long. Our legal status is unclear and it’s possible that the police will eject us any time, but until then we prefer to stay here in the dry with a roof over our heads, instead of sleeping somewhere in the streets under a bridge.

Hmmm, I am not sure if this is funny or scary!


To follow our “Squatting Adventure” klick squatting!

Indy’s BLOG – The status so far…


Today the landlord stood again in front of the door and demanding something. I couldn’t understand what they where talking about, but one thing is sure; the whole situation smells fishy to me.

We will need to leave the place anyway end of the month and that’s actually quite sad, because the house is very nice and there is enough place for me. Also Badalona is a nice place to live, only twenty minutes with the train and we are in city center.



Today Vil had an interview for a position as a “Business Development Executive” for a big software company in Barcelona. The recruiter sounded quite impressed and Vil is quite sure that they will call back soon for a second interview. Lets cross the claws! 🙂


Vil’s health improved dramatic, in the morning he is not sick anymore, he doesn’t need to take all the pills and that’s very nice to see.


Vil is busy rewriting stories, adding more details and media. Now we have around 150 stories in our blog and surely we will continue to write.

Indy’s BLOG – We are so fu**ed!!!!

We are so fu**ed!!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful festive time, that you had the chance to be with family and friends and that you could feel the spirit of christmas.

For us christmas was a bit different, more a rollercoaster and in the moment it seems that we are heading with full speed against a wall.

All stated when our landlord in Raval went literally mental and threatened us. He was de-illusional and a danger to himself and others, so we needed to leave the room immediately.

Luckily we found a room in Badealona via Facebook very fast. The room was promised to be long time, but tonight (26.th December) the owner showed up and clarified that there is an eviction order and that he will proceed with it January 1.st. We were literally “fu**ed” again!

Now we urgently need a room in Barcelona Subway area. ASAP! We look for a room, whatever…….. We can pay a decent rent!

Please PM us.

Indy’s BLOG- Is this our new place? – Badalona

We moved to Badalona, because there was no other way. The ‘old’ landlord went totally mental and the situation was unbearable. Unfortunately we can stay only for a few days because this in no permanent option for us. We found out that the house is somehow squatted and there is a high possibility that energy or water will be disconnected soon.

Indy’s BLOG – Landlord Emergency ! Mental Breakdown! … — …

Our landlord just went postal!

We need a new place ASAP!

… — …

We already had our good share of crazy landlords, but this guy is the cherry on the top. Today Vil came home after ten days in the hospital. He was pretty sick and needed to get checked up, so he was not the fastest that evening. Vil took his time while arranging his stuff because he was still weak and dizzy.

Then “Mr. Hauptmieter” arrived home and directly started complaining and didn’t stop. Vil tried not to get annoyed and continues to sort his stuff, but “Mr.Hauptmieter” doesn’t stop and continues to barbel about everything.

That’s the way we found the kitchen. You need to know that this guy doesn’t see the flies in the kitchen sitting on his rotten food, but he has somehow a microscopic view when it’s about looking at others.

A breeding place for flies.

He continues to annoy Vil. “Clean up your stuff faster!”, “You don’t need to  make a break now!”….. and then there is the moment when “enough is enough”. Vil told him to “Back off and shut up!!!” Just one sentence! Nothing loud or even aggressive. Naaaaaaa, Vil was way to weak to make any trouble.

“Mr. Hauptmieter” backed off and disappeared in his room. Finally silence……

The outcome via WhatsApp the next morning:

GOOGLE Translate — “I was just at the mossos in the center, where the brother of a friend works .. I have informed them. The house owners also know. If you are not away at midnight on 31.12 at the latest, there will be a formal announcement on 1 January on threat and drug possession. The display goes out also, if you in the time something break or steal .. I leave me from you but not in my apartment threaten or scream !! I’m the main tenant !! PLEASE do not talk to me anymore… I have “ansiedad” (fear states) because of you. That can be confirmed by a doctor.”

“ich war eben bei den mossos im Zentrum, wo der Bruder einer Freundin arbeitet .. ich habe sie informiert. Die Hausbesitzer wissen auch Bescheid. Bist du nicht spätestens am 31.12 um Mitternacht weg, gibt es am 1. Januar eine formelle Anzeige wegen Bedrohung und Drogenbesitz.   Die Anzeige geht auch raus, wenn du in der Zeit irgendwas kaputt machst oder stiehlst.. ich lasse mich von dir doch nicht in meiner Wohnung bedrohen oder anschreien!! Ich bin nämlich der Hauptmieter!! BITTE spreche nicht mehr mit mir… ich habe wegen dir “ansiedad” (Angstzustände). das kann ein Arzt bestätigen.”

Excuse  me please? I am ROFL! When you try to threaten someone, you better make sure that you know what you are doing!!

First: “The private use of cannabis in Barcelona is LEGAL!”, so WTF!?

Second: “We steal or destroy stuff?” What stuff? He only owns shit we are not interested in.

Third: We didn’t know him for a long time, but we are sure that sometime someone will not be so nice as Vil and the Russian guy…… When you fuck up everyone, some time “enough is enough”!

Anyway, this fucker is not worth it!! We immediately left, because otherwise, everything might happen.
