Tag Archives: Alfred

Indy’s BLOG – Termination of Rental Contract
Mail to the Agency

Indy’s BLOG – Sadness and disappointments! (GERMAN)
Manchmal da frage ich mich, ob wir komplett den Bezug zur Realität verloren haben. Zu Bizarr sind unsere Erlebnisse, um noch “normal” sein zu können. Ich bin sprachklos und irgendwie so verwirrt, dass ich mein Vertrauen in mich selbst anzweifle.
Ich finde es in Ordnung, wenn uns das Leben mit unerwarteten Situationen konfrontiert, wenn es uns überrascht und nicht langweilig ist, aber jetzt gerade verstehe ich nicht so richtig was passiert.
Die letzten Tage waren nicht einfach, zu viel ist passiert, dass ich nicht verstehe, ich frage mich wie es weiter geht oder besser “gehen kann”.

Indy’s BLOG – (ex)-Flat (not)Mate goes mental! >:(
Alfred, our Ex-Flatmate is a bit over the edge.
“I don’t pay the rent, you owe me 290 Euro and I want that money immediately. You are a ******* (several not publishable words) and I will make sure that you have no place anymore. Don’t even think about ******* (another threat)……..”
Ok, mate ….. This is the status now and seriously are you out of your mind? Wow, …. We we would never ever touch the stuff of someone else. And this thought of yours shows the complete BS which is going on in your mind.
Now we see clear.

Indy’s BLOG – Arrghhhhh,…
Alfred: “I want all my money now and I won’t pay my rent.”

Indy’s BLOG – Construction noise!
Sunday morning 11:15. Thanks god, there was again construction noise in the house today and it was not us.
— Mail to the Agency

Indy’s BLOG – Bathroom! Are you kidding me?
Arrghhhhh, the bathroom looks like shit. Hairs literally everywhere…….. Time to clean!

Indy’s BLOG – Official Inspection
The ‘official inspection’ is due 11:30 and nothing happens. 11:50 the telephone rings. It’s JellyMommy: “JellyHair is already standing for 20 minutes in front!” What? “Why he doesn’t ring? I am here……” The doorbell rings. I see the top of a head in the intercom. “I can’t open the door. You need to come down.” First time we have problems with the door opener. 🙂 Vil goes down to open the front door for JellyHairs.
Its a frosty welcome and first thing JellyHairs needs to say: “Bad communication. ”
We couldn’t agree more, but we planned to stay calm, avoid any conversationand get over with it as fast as possible.
He is exactly the type of person we expected. Not the tallest one, expensive clothing, nice watch, but no real style.
Anyhow, he carries a very expensive camera to document everything.

Indy’s BLOG – Jellyhair demands an “Official Inspection!”
Dear Vil,
We had complains from the neighbors about the following points:
– Smell of marijuana and smoke of cigarettes.
– Construction noise
This worried the owner and we decided to plane an official inspection of the house.
Tomorrow we will inspect Dichtershof 51 in Weesp at 01:00 pm.
Please inform us if you are pressed.
Met vriendelijke groet,
with kind regards,
Housing Company
Hello JellyHair,
First I need to let you know that I am very surprised that you involved my employer in our conversation.
Please let me know why you did this? I am very upset and I am NOT willing to accept this.
As far as I am concerned this is illegal and a breach of privacy and confidentiality.
I will check and see if you are allowed to do this and think about appropriate actions.
If you have no valid reason or a good explanation, I see this as an attempt to ‘blackmail’ me and this is NOT acceptable.
Second: I am still waiting for the answers to my questions.
I think 10 days is enough to let me know what you did and what I need to pay.
I never said that I don’t want to pay, but you never explained me what I need to pay for
and several requests went unanswered.
Yes, there was construction noise somewhere in the Dichershof on Sunday, but it was NOT us.
Yes, we had guests and they smoked on the balcony, but NOT inside the flat as agreed in the contract and we adhere to it.
Hereby I let you know that you are NOT welcome in the flat and that I see any entry
without my presence and consent as ‘illegal’ and I will inform the authorities.
You will understand that I am not willing to meet with you in my flat alone and that I want to arrange
a witness to be present to make sure nothing goes wrong.
You are welcome to arrange a meeting to a reasonable time, but NOT on such a short notice.
Bottom line: I see the ‘complaint’ and this email as attempt to pressure me and please be informed that
this was not successful. I also see the complaint as NO reason for you to enter my flat without
consent. You already granted a total stranger access to my flat without my knowledge once and this is enough!
I might be wrong in the understanding of the situation, but as far as I am concerned the complaint is no reason to
enter my flat without consent. If I am wrong please let me know the legal base of your actions,
Please let me know your answers and please stop making everything more complicated than needed.

Indy’s BLOG – Answer our questions!
Hello JellyHairs,
First I want to quote my last email:
I am wondering what you actually did to justify your charges?
Can you please give me an exact list of work you did for me?
As you saw in the beginning I was willing to pay, but after the
whole stress now I am a little bit upset about your attitude and I started
to wonder why I need to pay beforehand.
As you know I arranged everything within the flat to guarantee
a smooth transition from the old tenant to me.
I documented the status of the flat, listed all needed repairs
and cleaned everything.
I also organized all needed repairs and maintenance for the flat
and this all of this is surely your work.
So, please let me ask you again on which base you want to charge me
and for what?
Looking forward to your reply.
Can you please let me know your answers?
Even you have absolutely no contract with me, I agreed voluntarily to pay the fee. But for now I am not sure if I should, because there was no service from your side so far.
I want let you know that I am very uncomfortable with your way of communicating and behavior. I don’t want to summarize everything again. So just a few points: You granted a stranger access to my flat without my knowledge, then you exaggerated the situation with allegations …… and now you are threatening me?
Bottom line
I am working in customer service myself and I need to say that I would complain to your manager, but you are the owner of your company, so this is no way for me. So I put Magdalena in CC to let her know what’s going on.
Please answer my questions, arrange a handover (and not again 45 minutes before), send me the bill.
Thank you