Tag Archives: Alfred

Indy’s BLOG – Finish the job!

When you sharing an apartment it’s crucial that everyone adheres to the rules of social understanding and treat each other with respect, but that’s not always the case, because sometimes you encounter someone behaving like living in a hotel.

Alfred is one of them. We invited him into our house because we thought that he might be a good flatmate, but we couldn’t be more wrong. He turned out to be the most unpleasant person we’ve ever met and in the end, he was lucky that we didn’t lose our temper because of a behaviour like this other people got a serious answer.

He did absolutely nothing in the flat, except causing stress and irritations. He took advantage of us, enjoyed our work organizing everything and just ‘parasited’, but when he wanted something for himself he was very persistent, actually penetrant. Numerous calls, texts and messages when he needed something, but everything else was ‘our business’.

Well, a few impressions. He cleans only ‘partially’, which means that he only ‘cleans’ his stuff and everything else need to be done by someone else. Like here, the dustbin was filled up and what did he do? Well, a new bag, but dump the full one near the bin and waiting for someone else to bring it down. He is living here for nearly two months and he actually doesn’t know how to open the bin outside.

Lazy TWAT!

Indy’s BLOG – Get Lost M8!


did you really think that you will stay until the end of the month, continue to behave like living in a hotel, in the end not pay the bills and then just leave?

Did you really think that you can just leave all the mess behind you? NOPE!

I already know that I don’t have to expect anything from you, but crap and NOW I tell you now what you will do. You will leave the house BEFORE me and you will NOT return.

I will leave the flat at the 23.rd, I will change the locks that day and anything remaining in the flat will be removed at the 23.rd 12:00 by movers to clean.

You have the chance to remove your stuff the whole week until 23.rd 12:00 and I suggest you take the opportunity to avoid any further costs on my side.

To clarify. I went to the Weesp police station and they told me that I do have the right to change the locks because I am the MAIN tenant and the lease is on me.

Have a good life and I hope you never see us again.

Indy’s BLOG – Weesp Police Station Visit

Today, after we went to the doggy place, we visited Weesp’s police station, explained a bit of the situation and asked for advice and what will happen if we change the locks in the apartment.

They considered that: “It’s a private matter and we don’t get involved in cases like this, but if you want to file a report, we are happy to do so.”

Anyhow, we are the main tenants of the flat and Alfred has absolutely nothing.

He will leave soon.


Indy’s BLOG – Alfred’s Internet Service Technician Rings!

We just came home from a long walk, it’s a sunny day and we used the opportunity to get a bit fresh air in our heads when a guy with a ZIGGO t-shirt approached us and asked where to find the Dichtershof. We told him to walk around the building because the main entrance is on the other side.

And then suddenly there is this ZIGGO Technician standing in our kitchen ready to install Alfred’s internet connection in our house, WTF? I thought the “internet issue” is solved, but it looks like there is still an area for stress and discussion.

He fucks us up, didn’t speak to us for days and now this ‘surprise’? Is he totally bonkers? We are still the main tenants and there is a working internet available. So what is he thinking? Is there actually one reasonable brain cell left?

Indy’s BLOG – Easter, 1st April…. No more Hotel!

Sunday morning. Easter morning and before the first coffee the stress arrives.

Alfred: “Were is the vacuum cleaner?”

Vil: “For you out of service, because you didn’t pay anything for cleaning stuff. I bought everything last month with my last money and I am not your service agency and this is no hotel.”

He comes near me and invades my range of privacy. It’s a pretty aggressive statement’ and I don’t feel very well with that. I better back off, but not for me, for him. I don’t want to explode.

Alfred: “Bla, bla, bla….. another threat…. bla…. bla… bla…!”

I decide ignore him, there is no use to continue this useless discussions, I will leave the house and have a walk, because I don’t really know how to keep calm if he continues to bother me.

Are you fucking joking? You behave like a tool and now you still have demands? Just to let you know, that the hotel service is over. I don’t know which planet you are from, but in our galaxy there is a basic understanding of decency and respect.

Indy’s BLOG – How to identify a lazy flatmate?!

In today’s world affordable living space is a rare commodity, there is little to no availability and this results in a not acceptable situation in which small dirty holes with mice and cockroaches are offered for an insane amount of money.

If you don’t own enough to rent your own place, you need to share and sharing is a good opportunity to find an affordable place to stay.

“Is your flatmate a real flatmate or do you better back off?”



Indy’s BLOG – No (Flat)Mate at all! WTF? :)



Just to summarise the situation in one word: “UNGRATEFUL!” You borrowed us in total less than 290 Euro and you used this to justify a non-acceptable behaviour? Allrite, I admit, that was I not very keen to return the money fast, but I never promised something I didn’t do. I would have returned the money as I promised on payday, but the way you pressed me was insulting, threatening and completely unreasonable. Do you really think I want to live with a person who uses such foul language against me?


Hier ein paar Worte in meiner Muttersprache: “Hey Alter, das war echt nicht korrekt von Dir und ich bin mega enttäuscht. Ich verstehe nicht wie Du so undankbar sein kannst.

Mann, ich dachte wirklich, dass Dir meine Bekanntschaft nicht mehr als 300 Euro wert ist. Das ist weniger als das was wir im Jahr MEHR an Internet bezahlt hätten, weil ich dem Transfer Deiner Leitung zugestimmt habe.

Ok, mein Leben ist meine Sache, aber Du wusstest, daß ich im Moment nur mein Grundgehalt bekomme und es echt knapp ist. Ich habe eine Menge hinter mir, mehr als Du jemals erleben musstest, aber ich habe immer mein Wort gehalten, egal wie knapp es war.  Also echt, wir stehen jetzt auf der Strasse. Glaubst Du nicht, ist aber so!

Und wenn das nicht genug sein sollte um etwas angepisst zu sein, dann frage ich Dich was? Wenn auch nur der geringste Anstand in Dir übrig ist, dann wirst Du sehen, daß Du echr Scheisse gebaut hast. So was macht man einfach nicht.

Überlege Dir einfach, ob es das Wert war!

Mann, mann, mann….”



You are in Amsterdam, because of us. We pointed you to a new job with quite a nice salary and you came over. At that time we struggled, but we still helped you with everything we could, because at this time we considered you as a mate and mates help each other. We informed you about everything you need to know to settle here without any problems and gave you plenty of tips how to avoid our issues with your new employer.

Because of us, you scored a job with 30% ruling, which is quite a lot of money. Right?

Last year

As you know, we are not the most lucky ones and we had quite a bad time. Especially last year was quite difficult, because we had absolutely no funds, no one to go to and on the brink of giving up. You borrowed us little more then 120 Euro at that time, that’s enough for two-pack of insulin (90 Euro) and little food and that was all.

Then there was one other contact anymore and then silence.


We solved our issues, got a job and we found a nice flat. We still considered you as a mate and offered you a place to stay for long term. It was half the rent you actually paid and a way better setting.

You saved could have around 10k a year just by moving in. Right?


For moving I suggested to rent a car half day for around 40 Euro to make the move as cheap as possible, but that wasn’t enough for you. You needed to hire a van and two movers for 60 Euro an hour. Allrite, why not? They picked up my four boxes within 10 minutes because I already carried everything down the stairs and then they spend another two or three hours with your stuff. I literally had four boxes and one bag… How many stuff you had? They carried all your stuff as well, right?

Anyhow, you demanded us to pay 80 Euros of the 180 Euro total, WTF? Moving with a taxi would have been cheaper for us. 


Then we arranged everything within the flat. We registered Gas, water, waste, cleaned the kitchen, the bathroom and the toilet.

You did absolutely nothing! You moved in and behaved like living in a hotel.

You enjoyed all the comfort of the flat, but refused to help or cooperate in any way, because all is my “personal problem and when I asked you nicely to share a post on Facebook for the other room, you became loud and unreasonable.



I asked you virtually for weeks about the transfer of your internet connection, I agreed to help you to avoid penalties for not fulfilling your contract. I also explained to you how important a working router is and that I need to have full access to the settings to activate my servers, but you not even bothered to look up one document and when I reminded you after days of waiting, you snapped.

Allrite, so I ordered Internet myself and all will be good, so I thought. I received the starter kit, set all up and then you registered your internet connection to my address? Whats wrong with you? I asked you for weeks and you event got annoyed when I reminded you and now you are changing your internet to my address without even asking?

Allrite, Ok, I agreed again to help you and agreed to terminate my contract. Again! I was nice to you. All to avoid your penalties, even your contract was double the monthly subscription price.

I installed YOUR cable modem in the flat, everything was set up nicely and running fine.

How much did could we save saved you here?

[UPDATE: The Stunt with the ZIGGO Technician later was the cherry on the top. Why didn’t you ask? That could have been an opportunity to start a reasonable conversation, but you decided to go around my back. Do you really think this would work? You need a “reality check”!]


The agency is a fuck up. I admit that, but you explicitly agreed to everything, because you only saw the money you can save. You even told me not you don’t want to be bothered with “my personal issues” and made it quite clear that you are not interested to know. You just wanted to take the advantage and not paying any fees.

Just to tell you: “We could have stayed in the flat!!!! I sorted everything with the agency and even arranged an agreement with the landlady to stay.”

Here you saved again a good amount of money.

You lost it!

You lost it. Seriously. All could be so relaxed and fine, but you decided to go postal. Remember! You behaved like a total tool….. You know what you said and you also know that you really crossed a red line. You threaten us and you want to destroy our lives? We both know what you said, you will remember your threats.

YOU demanded to leave in the first place! Maybe you didn’t expect me to follow your ‘suggestion’? Tough luck, when you make statements or threats you need to live with the consequences.

And now you say “everything is my fault”?

Fuck off?

Now you pack your stuff, move out and everything is fine for you. You even used the opportunity to get out of this situation with absolutely no damage.


We are slapped with a hefty fine because we are legally responsible for breaching the rental contract. You ever thought about that?

Well done!



Just to summarise the situation in one word: “UNGRATEFUL!”

You borrowed us in total less than 290 Euro and you used this to justify a non-acceptable behaviour? Allrite, I admit, that was I not very keen to return the money fast, but I kept all my promises. I would have returned the money as promised on payday, but the way you pressed me was insulting, threatening and completely unreasonable. Do you really think I want to live with a person who uses such foul language against me?

I did you so many favours and that was not enough for you to help me out with less than 300 Euro, seriously?

Mann, mann, mann….

P.S.: Let’s play a game called: “Is my key still working when I come home?” What do you think?