“Tomorrow, today will be yesterday!”
Dear Friends,
With these wise words we want have a short look back and remember an exceptional year. A year which made us sad and happy. A year we met new friends and we needed to say goodbye to some. It was again a ‘roller-coaster’ year, with all up and downs, a time which we don’t want to miss, but we are happy to say goodbye to.
We are nearly a year in Amsterdam and after many stressful weeks, life became a bit more ‘normal’. I am looking forward to a new year with positive feelings and considering our actual situation we are good for now. We do have a wonderful flat, Vil takes care about his health and the company is very satisfied with his work and supportive with his”issues”. Seem, that he made a good impression and the employer wants to keep him.
Publish the BLOG?!
OK, enough sentimentality! 🙂
Looking forward to a new year, we are happy to welcome 2018. Every new year has a new challenge and 2018 already have a few ready for us.
Most important Vil’s health needs to get better. He is stable now, but improvement is still needed and he is on a good way.
Next, we need to we want to use 2018 to rewrite and complete our BLOG. We want to write our story as encouragement for others not to give up, to tell that there is always a second chance, even if the world has only pain and dark colours for you in the moment. Maybe we can publish our story, we will see.
The journey is over!
For now, we call the Story of “Vil, Victor and Indy on the Road” as officially ended, BUT we will continue to write and report from our ‘new and boring’ life. Sure there will be the occasional roller coaster and that’s no biggie, because “Who wants to have a ‘boring’ life?”
Save money for the dream!
The next months Vil will work as much as possible, we will life cheap and try to save as much money as possible and then finally buy a nice camper and spend our life somewhere more warm. Why pay hundreds of Euros a month for an overpriced apartment if you can have it way cheaper and the beach just a few meters away?
Support us!
Please use the provided links to our social media and support channels.
We wish a happy and healthy 2018 for you, your loved ones and everyone on earth.
Indy & Vil