Hello JellyHairs,
First I want to quote my last email:
I am wondering what you actually did to justify your charges?
Can you please give me an exact list of work you did for me?
As you saw in the beginning I was willing to pay, but after the
whole stress now I am a little bit upset about your attitude and I started
to wonder why I need to pay beforehand.
As you know I arranged everything within the flat to guarantee
a smooth transition from the old tenant to me.
I documented the status of the flat, listed all needed repairs
and cleaned everything.
I also organized all needed repairs and maintenance for the flat
and this all of this is surely your work.
So, please let me ask you again on which base you want to charge me
and for what?
Looking forward to your reply.
Can you please let me know your answers?
Even you have absolutely no contract with me, I agreed voluntarily to pay the fee. But for now I am not sure if I should, because there was no service from your side so far.
I want let you know that I am very uncomfortable with your way of communicating and behavior. I don’t want to summarize everything again. So just a few points: You granted a stranger access to my flat without my knowledge, then you exaggerated the situation with allegations …… and now you are threatening me?
Bottom line
I am working in customer service myself and I need to say that I would complain to your manager, but you are the owner of your company, so this is no way for me. So I put Magdalena in CC to let her know what’s going on.
Please answer my questions, arrange a handover (and not again 45 minutes before), send me the bill.
Thank you