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Life in France

Vil was living with his family in a small town in Southern France, the Basque Country, he had a nice house. One day his girlfriend asked him if he wants to have a dog because it now would be the perfect time for one. Vil agreed and they drove to a dog shelter near to Bayonne.

At first, they checked out all older dogs, because Vil thought that puppies always find a new owner and he would like to give an older dog a chance. So, he saw all dogs and he wanted to leave and go home without seeing the small ones, but his girlfriend insisted. After all dogs, I was the last creature they saw. Vil immediately fell in love with me, since then we are together and best friends.

Life in the Basque Country was very nice. We all had a little house near to a river, and every day we had a long walk in the nature. I like to hunt birds and sometimes I was very close catching one, but never made it. They are really fast. Anyway, wonderful life in southern France life couldn’t be better for us. In Germany, they say: “To live like God in France!”

I had a boyfriend, Lou Chin, a very big nice guy and the night before the morning he was scheduled to lose his balls, but before he managed to give me a wonderful present. Actually three: Boule, Neige and Vache. “Ball”, “Snow” and “Cow”. My little Smallies.

All was a real dream, we planned to stay forever, but unfortunately our life changed from one day to the other and we needed to go back to Vil’s home country, Germany.

I don’t want to go too much into details, but I can say that Vil was hit by a personal tragedy which made it impossible for him to stay in France.

So, he arranged everything necessary within a few days, we went with little warning time back to Germany and this is the beginning of our story.

Ok, ….. Let’s go.

The cheating cleaning lady in Osterburg

Two years ago, we had to experience the abyss of humanity and to this day we cannot understand how people can behave in such a horrible and anti-social manner.

Each of us comes to a point in our life where everything does not go as planned. Maybe the loss of a job, an illness or some other stroke of fate that throws us off track and in such moments, it is not easy to get back on your feet.

It is great when you have friends around you who catch you and support you, but it becomes horror when people take advantage of these situations of weakness and despair, only seek their own advantage and not shy away from lies and deceit .

Well, we literally managed to get back on our feet, we can enjoy life again, we are happy about every day and we would like to say “THANK YOU!” to our friends and we say to the others: “We change voluntarily the side of the street, if we see you running towards us, because we could throw up, get angry and that’s not good for us. “

Oh yes, and now don’t get too excited, because we all have documents, photos and recordings that clearly prove what kind of person you are and that you ripped off us.

Why didn’t Vil report you right away? Good question! At that time he was unfortunately so busy with his health situation that he had no strength to show you your limits. Today he is restored and would have the strength and desire to expose you, but he will not do it because our time is too good for that.

Enjoy the money you ripped off, BITCH!

Plenty happened!

I should update this BLOG more often because so many things happened last days. We moved to a new place. A nice little flat, 4.th floor and a small balcony, Vil still not finished recovering, he is weak and the weight loss takes its toll. He is tired all day, no power and it was a pain to get up every morning. His performance at work was not the best and finally, he lost his job.

Goodbye 2019. You really sucked! Welcome 2020!

Actually 2019 started very promising(ly?). We found a new home in Osterburg (Sachsen-Anhalt/Germany), we could afford a nice flat, we had everything we needed. Vil’s Job was a total success, he liked his team, he fulfilled or exceeded all needed KPIs. He won pixes and was awarded several times for exceptional customer and colleague feedback.

Everything went very well until June 2019, when Vil got really, really sick.


One day Vil woke up, felt quite sick and that was the start of a very long hospital journey.

He is used to regular nausea and pain in the morning and most of the time he can fix himself with some Primperan, MCP or something else, but that day was different.

He went to his GP to get a second opinion, some medication and a sick cert. The GP draw some blood, gave him a shot of MCP and a Domperion drip added with a nice selection of painkillers.

“I will call you when I got the results. After the infusion is finished you go home and try to get some rest.” the doctor said.

It’s tea time.

Half an hour later after the infusion was finished Vil went home and drank some chamomile tea. “It’s tea my time, again”, he said. The MCP started to kick in and nausea slowly faded away slowly. The pain is not completely gone, but he could stand it without more painkillers.

Results are back – Infection and inflammation.

Two hours later the GP called. “The results are back and you need to go to the hospital straight away and no time to be wasted. I already arranged a pickup ambulance for you. Pack a few things and be ready to be picked up.” So he was sent to Seehausen to fight the actual emergency situation.

The first diagnose was “possibly pancreatic cancer”, but luckily for him, after a biopsy, it was confirmed it wasn’t. “Just” a chronic inflammation of the pancreas garnished with plenty of stones, but not the “rolling ones”.

A five to six-hour lasting Whipple-Procedure needed to be performed in a specialised hospital in Berlin. They rewired his internals, removed the gall bladder a part of the pancreas. A planned three-day stay in the ICU extended more than a two-weeks with all imaginable ups and downs.

Later, after being released from ICU, he needed to go to a rehab facility to learn what and how to eat because everything inside him was completely modified. Another four weeks. ….

Here is the complete story with all the gruesome insides.

The Aftermath

After he was back on track and ready to return to his job Vil’s contract was not extended despite the promise of his manager that everything is ok, because “management considered the risk to employ him permanently too high, despite his excellent KPIs.”

Well, workwise back to square one. Searching for a job.

Alive and broke.

2019 really sucked, it was a real rollercoaster and currently, we might lose our flat and all our belongings because we have no money to pay the rent or any other bills. Why this?, you might ask. Well, Vil was not working long enough in Germany to be entitled to any welfare, so he needs to prove his employment in Amsterdam, but this is another country and paperwork is slow and bureaucratic.  Mow we need to wait for or PD-U1 form to arrive and until then we are very tight on the money. Ok, when the PD-U1 will arrive we will get a very nice payment and everything will be fine again, but until then we need to survive with no money and most likely with no flat.


All this sounds pretty depressing, but we are still in a good mood, because “Vil fucking cheated death!”. YES. he is alive and well and that is everything that counts!