Category Archives: Jobsearch – Oracle

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We lived in Spain when Vil was hired to join the Oracle Digital Team in Amsterdam and in the beginning, all sounded very well. A super job, a nice town and a good future inside a well-known company. Hired as a Digital Sales Consultant, it sounded like the job of his dreams, but unfortunately, it turned out that he had a week’s long ordeal in front of him. Everything went to shit and finally, he was informed that Oracle will terminate his working contract, effective immediately.
Click here to read in chronological order.

Indy’s BLOG – There is hope

Our journey might be finally over next week. Vil has three jobs where he just need to wait for the final decision. A funny situation. Long time nothing happened and now it seems that many things will happen next week.

S.D.S.C. – ORCL – AMS – 60K+ – 75% possibility

B.D.M. – C.-T. – BCN / Home office – 30K+ – 50% possibility

The Camera Guys – Frontline Tecnician – BCN – 32K+ – 75% possibiliy

Maybe next weekend we will be already somewhere else or it’s confirmed that we can stay in Barcelona.

Time will tell.


Indy’s BLOG – Job The video guys

Today Vil was invited to another interview for a position as a front line technician. Four hours, four different interviews with four different persons. The direct manager, the HR lady, the technician and finally the global operation manager.

Well, Vil thinks that the interview went quite well. He liked the way people presented themselves an their company. The product is solid and there is no question that Vil can support the product and be happy with the offered job.

The office would be in Barcelona, the team would five and Vil would be allowed to bring me with him to work.


Vil finished the interview!

There is snow in Amsterdam. Vil saw a white, one-meter-long patch of something like snow and nearly slipped on the frozen street.

Anyhow, Vil just finished the interview and he sounded quite positive, but our experience shows that we better not expect too much and stay calm until they decide. The nice girl from HR told Vil that the decision will be made Friday already but for sure start next week.

Now we need to wait. AGAIN! I fri***ing hate it. We had that already and all the time the answer was: “We are impressed by your CV, but unfortunately you are too qualified, and we don’t want to proceed with the hiring process”. PLEASE NOT THIS TIME!

They really grilled Vil during the interview. “Who are you?”, “What is your experience?”, “What is your attitude?”…… and, and, and. Then he was asked to explain a few technical terms like SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, ….. to a virtual audience of customers from all levels within a company. It was like explaining Skype to Vil’s mum a long time ago. 🙂 “Explain for the stupid and don’t use too many technical terms.” Not easy in the first place and during the presentation one member of the audience disturbed Vil with unconnected questions and tried to insecure Vil, but Vil made it! 🙂

Now Vil will go and visit a few places he visited when he was living in Amsterdam. Maybe Spuistraat and The Bulldog. Ok, The Bulldog is tourist stuff, but why not? Vil earned his fun today and he didn’t sleep for 36 hours, so he is a bit tired and needs a bit distracting.

MegaCrossClaws Bark and Hergottsachnochmal!

To be continued…….