Category Archives: Jobsearch – Oracle

Some images might be missing!

We lived in Spain when Vil was hired to join the Oracle Digital Team in Amsterdam and in the beginning, all sounded very well. A super job, a nice town and a good future inside a well-known company. Hired as a Digital Sales Consultant, it sounded like the job of his dreams, but unfortunately, it turned out that he had a week’s long ordeal in front of him. Everything went to shit and finally, he was informed that Oracle will terminate his working contract, effective immediately.
Click here to read in chronological order.

Steigenberger? NEVER AGAIN!

Well, you might think that a hotel like the Steigenberger Airport Hotel in Amsterdam has its procedures in place and that you can enjoy hospitality and good food there. Well, actually the food is very good and tasty, the bed is ok as well, even free fresh fruit everywhere, BUT… (…you remember, there’s always a BUT with us!): WHY THE FUCK WE NEED TO PAY 1.200 EURO? Well, we didn’t need to pay 1.200 Euro for the room, BUT (… again a BUT!) you maxed out Vil’s credit card, despite the fact that Vil told you that his company will pay.

You charged Vil around 640 Euro “security deposit” you never returned (we are still waiting) AND you billed him another 500 Euro for the room itself, because you f***cked up when “unlock” the card.

Last weekend was Easter Weekend and thanks to you we saved a lot of money on drinks, party and food, because we had none! 🙂


Meeting with the Site Leader

The situation in the moment spins out of control. The complete ‘relocation package’ is a hoax, we are broke, the food situation is more than critical and Vil runs out of medicine.

We don’t know how to continue. It’s a cynic situation. Vil is working for one of the biggest cloud companies in the world, he is supposed to earn more than enough money to have a wonderful life, but finally we are sitting in an overpriced guest house and there is literally nothing in the fridge anymore.

Vil went to the site leader and explained his situation, the problems with the relocation contract, the payment issue, his health status, his fear not to pass the probation time, his unsuccessful efforts to find someone to help him within HR, Legal and even upper management.

So he approached the sire leader today and asked for help. “Do you have a second? I need to talk with you about the relocation situation, I am in serious problems and I don’t know what to do anymore.” The site leader asks Vil to sit down. “What’s the issue?”

“As I already told you in Utrecht. The whole relocation is going south! I was informed that the relocation budget can’t be used for deposit payment and also I wasn’t paid my complete salary this month. I had to spend so much money on the wrong bookings for the hotel, that I am broke right now. I have no food anymore and even more worse, I still have no health insurance and can’t go to the doctor to get new medicine. I can’t even buy it at the pharmacy, because I am really broke.”

The site leader looks at Vil and asks: “Did you talk with you team lead about it?” Vil is a bit surprised that his team lead never informed the site leader, because Vil already told his team lead several times about the issues. “Yes, sure. I also contacted HR, EMEA Management, the relocation company, but everyone tells me that they are not responsible. I don’t know what to do anymore. I fear that I won’t pass the probation time, because I am aware that my performance is really impacted by the situation.”

“I understand and how can I help you now?”, he looks at Vil. “Well, first of all I need money today, because I have no Insulin anymore and the fridge is empty. I am hungry.” Vil is a bit embarrassed, but he doesn’t give a dime anymore. “And we need to sort out the payment and relocation situation, if there is no solution, I will no be able to make it anymore. Maybe I’ve misunderstood the relocation agreement, but we need to sort that out. I am not asking for any free stuff. Maybe we can arrange an immediate advance payment for me. That shouldn’t be an issue, because my payment next month is way more than needed and I can pay back everything in one go.”

The site lead looks at Vil and says: “That’s a very bad situation, I understand. I have no idea how I can help you. For the moment I can borrow you a few Euro to buy medicine and food.” He reaches to his pocket and passes one hundred Euro to Vil. “Here you go.” Vil is relieved, because we will have proper food tonight. “Grab yourself some fruit and go home, you really don’t look very good.”

“Thank you, that helps me for the moment, but what do we do about the relocation budget and my payment?”, Vil asked with a bit of concern.

“I will see what I can do for you, but you will go home now, because you look really sick.”

A retrospective note while re-writing this post: You guess what the site lead did for Vil? NOTHING!, he even asked the borrowed 100 Euro back immediately, when Vil came back to work. All efforts to contact someone to help, even someone who can decide was not successful. No one relied to his requests for support. They just ignored him and when a feedback came it was always the same: “We can’t decide. There are procedures in place. ….. Bla, bla, bla.”

You need to let that sit a moment and think about it. Vil was hired to be a trainer in one of the biggest companies in the world, with a payment of more money someone can need for life and he is still hungry and not able to pay for his medicine or food. Allrite, he might have misread or misunderstood the ‘relocation agreement’, but this can’t be the reason to let him die in public daylight.

Indy’s BLOG – First Moving Day! An Odyssey!


This morning left the temporary housing because our thirty days are up and we were supposed to move to a hotel near to the airport, so we packed all our stuff called a taxi and we were on our way.

Sheraton Airport Hotel, what a complete waste of money. For one night in the hotel, we could have booked and paid via Airbnb for a whole week or even two. Anyway, they booked the room for us, so we went to the hotel and tried to check in. “TRIED!”

Do you smell shit? YESSSS, right…… THERE IS NO BOOKING.

No booking

Ok, many calls later Vil figured out that the hotel was never booked, that the hotel is booked out and that we need to wait for settle service to come back to us…… So the wait begun. Two hours later we’ve got an update, that they are still looking for a room, but there is none at the airport, all booked out.


So we went to have food. A Big Mac, fries, drink, coffee and a smoke later we got another update, that they are still on the search. Allrite,……

Another coffee, a cookie and a long walk later, we finally got the call that we need to go to the Steigenberger hotel. Fine, and there is a shuttle bus from the Airport to the hotel every thirty minutes. Jupieeeeee, we have a place, but Vil is freezing his arse off after hours in the cold and that’s no good.


Shuttle bus to the hotel and all is fine. A nice room, a real shower, and a comfortable bed. SUPER! 🙂 We slept very well and the breakfast was a treat.

Actually, our stay was planned for two days, but we got the confirmation that we can move to Haarlem today, so we packed our stuff….., BUT …. there is always a BUT!

No Checkout?

Vil had his very nice breakfast, all stuff packed, we wanted to check out, but it was not possible, because the Steigenberger Hotel “locked” somehow more then 690 Euro on Vil’s credit card and to remove that lock he needs to pay his bill of 690 Euro first? What bill? What the f***rick lock,…. BUT Vil had no additional 690 Euro on his credit card anymore. Maxed out by Steigenberger.


So he needed to sign a  paper that he allows Steigenberger to “later bill” Vil again. Let’s summarize the situation. The relocation service only booked a room for Vil, but they didn’t arrange the payment and Steigenberger DOUBLE booked the bill on Vil’s credit card. More then 900 Euro already gone, another 240 Euro to be billed and we are BROKE AGAIN! WTF!

So we were finally allowed to leave, take a taxi, drive to Haarlem, payed the last 65 Euro fare and moved into our new place.

1.000 Euro later and “Broke AGAIN?!”

Sure, Vil will get all the expenses back, but until then we are forced to safe money. LoL! Actually not a bad thing, because we have enough money for food for the next days, BUT…… there’s always a BUT,…. Vil has no idea how to pay the train to work.

He, he, he….


Indy’s BLOG – Looking for an IT-Support or Sales-Job? Don’t look any further!

Hello, do you have any idea about IT Support and/or Sales?

Well, lucky you!, because there’s a remarkable job opportunity waiting for you.

If you are interested to work in a fast paced environment which values your work read further…..


I won’t disclose the name of the company, because we want to get the referral bonus, but here are some facts about the job and company:

  • The company is one of the market leaders in their area
    • More then 100.000 employees
    • Billions of $ revenue per year
  • The company offers very good benefits which are way above “normal’ perks:
    • Relocation assistance and allowance.
    • Brand new mobile phone with company sim card. Vil got an Galaxy S6 Edge.
    • Brand new high end laptop and not the crap you find in call centers. Vil got an Lenovo Thinkpad YOGA260 with plenty of power under the hood.
    • Company credit card to cover expenses.
    • Subsidized commuting to work. Means free travel with Tram, Train and Bus.
    • Healthcare subsidy.
    • Very fair sick payment procedure. For example in Spain you have no payment at all, when you are sick, here they continue to pay 100%, because it’s not your fault when you are sick.
    • and more ….


  • Very good salary which is way above average.
  • Legal tax advise for 30% ruling.
  • Extensive 3 week new hire training
  • Location: AMSTERDAM

It’s NOT Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Apple, Google or DELL….., but you surely know the name! It’s a really good opportunity for people which want to work in an interesting and sometimes challenging, but always “fun to work environment”.

For any further information, please contact us via PM, Email or WhatsApp.

WhatsApp : +31 621 481 672

Here you can find all our contact information.

INTERESTED? Contact us!


Victory! Vil Got A Valid Passport!

Victory, Vil got his German Passport. Against all odds and information Vil was able to apply and obtain a German Passport within a few hours. He didn’t need any of the requested fancy documents, the old ID was sufficient and finally all the other demanded stuff was just plain nonsense. Vil looks a bit tired, but that’s no surprise, because the “Paperwar” is killing him.

Thank you for today.

Dutch Paperwork. Ping! Pong! …. Patsch!

To register the town of Amsterdam requests a paper from Vil, which he needs to obtain from the German General Consulate. To obtain this paper from the German General Consulate he needs a statement that he is registered in Amsterdam. So he can’t register, because he need to produce a paper which he only gets when he is registered.



It was a long journey, one year more or less on the road, living in shitty places, always searching for a job, living with very little money and food, but finally Vil found a very good and extremely well payed job for a software company.

We already relocated to Amsterdam and Vil started working, he likes it, it seem to be a really good job, BUT…. this fucking BUT! The company would reimburse travel, expenses, literally everything, BUT Vil walks every morning to work. He could take the tram and would need ten minutes to work, BUT he walks thirty minutes, because he has no money to pay the tram.

We can’t use any of the agreed perks, because we are totally broke! Yes, end of April payroll Vil will be rich, BUT we need to survive until then……

BARK! All for nothing? What do we do?


Indy’s BLOG – Second apartment tour!

Today Vil viewed five apartments, the first one was nice, but unfurnished, the second had too steep stairs I couldn’t walk, the third was just awful, the fourth was nice but a bit too expensive and the last one will maybe our new place. He placed an offer and now we need to wait for the response of the landlord. 1.425 Euro for a ground floor apartment with around 45 square meters. BOAH, that’s serious money!


Indy’s BLOG – No Payment, No Relocation Number, NOTHING!

Outch! Today was the day of truth and Vil needed to learn that he might misunderstood the relocation agreement. He was under the impression that the relocation budget covers all expenses for flat search and renting, but unfortunately neither the deposit is covered nor there will be any advance payment to cover this expenses.

He was already informed that he won’t get paid at the end of the month, because he joined the company at the 15th and Payroll closes at the 14th of the month, so he need to wait until end of next month to get any payment.

FUCK Bark, we are so screwed.