A few weeks ago Vil and Indy found a cheap place to stay in Germany and the moved to the Lübeck area.
They got a camper to stay in for the next couple of weeks, but this is no solution for longer because the winter is approaching.
It’s really nice here, you can run around and have fun with the other dog, the chickens and the horses.
Yeah. it’s really nice here and it’s good to have a somehow safe place for the next few weeks. It was no situation to stay in the tent for a long time despite the fact that the people at Uitgeest are very nice.
Today we received a donation from S.C.. via GoFundMe. S.C. is an old friend of Vil. They started together working in Ireland, had BBQ in the snow, lived in an empty house and had a few garlic Champignons from Tesco together. Hey S., thank you very much. I don’t know you, but I already like you and maybe we visit you some day.
Every little helps and you made sure we can pay for our camping for a few days.
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You might have wondered why we posted a lot of ‘old’ content the last couple of days and the answer is: “We finished re-writing our old BLOG posts.” and now this site is up-to-date. Our old BLOG on https://thevwpolocamper.wordpress.com is still active, but just as an archive and from now on we will post only on this site.
Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.
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Thank you very much.
You can like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IndyCaTheDog
You can follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/indyderhund/
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Yesterday Vil needed to go to the hospital again. Luckily we have some good friends who takes care of me.
Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.
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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
You can like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IndyCaTheDog
You can follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/indyderhund/
You can follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/IndyDerHund
A few days ago Vil’s former landlady asked him for help, she needed some screenshots to prove that the deposit was paid to the agency and Vil didn’t hesitated to provide the requested documents. He ssked for a feedback but she didn’t even had the decency to reply with a thank you.
That’s the way rich people deal with problems. At first, they ignore everything and when it’s convenient for them they fu** you, also they ignore the law and the business attitude is questionable.
Maybe you say that Vil shouldn’t have send the documents. Well, we think that others behaving like *** is no reason for us to forget our good education.
And the funniest part. She wouldn’t needed to contact Vil for the documents, he already send them a few times, she was just too lazy to look in her inbox.
She maybe lost a few hundred Euros, but we lost everything. No home, no money……
See here for the full story in chronological order.
Yesterday Vil received an email from his former landlady asking for help to sue the agency. That’s a bit funny because the last time Vil had contact with her she threatened him to “use the full power of the law against him”. Anyhow, Vil is not a person who rejects requests for help, so he sent her the documents without any hesitation.
Hi Vil,
I hope you managed to find a nice place to stay after moving out from Weesp.
My battle with the agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Therefore I will need your help: do you mind sending me a copy of the deposit confirmation you paid them at the beginning of renting our apartment?
I am looking forward to your email.
-> My battle with the Hakkenbroek agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Let’s see if she ever comes back to us.
Vil bought a few things at the ACTION store in town. He had an idea about how to expand our living space with little effort. He bought a camouflage plastic plane and fixed it with flexible straps. He used the doggie trailer and the tent as a support structure and now we can chill and relax in the shadow.
Allrite, we are ready to go and we have no idea where we end up, but for the moment we have a good time. Vil is able to sleep very well and his health is improving. Ok, we don’t want to celebrate too soon, but for the moment we are gold.
The weather is perfect, the tea is hot and we will have a nice walk later. The camping place is located directly at the harbour.
Click to enlarge the panorama!