Category Archives: Indy’s BLOG – Status Updates

Here you will find our latest ‘Status Updates’.

Where are we?

What’s going on?

Feeling Allrite!

Now we are happy when the day is a good day. A good day is a day without pain or some other ‘complications’. A day who starts with hot coffee, a day with food, shelter and maybe some nice conversations. Other than that, we don’t need much to be happy anymore.

Feeling Allrite!

For the moment we live every day as it would be our last and we really enjoy it. We are back at the camping in Uitgeest and we will stay here a little bit longer. We can’t recommend this place enough. The people are mega friendly to us, we stay for a good rate a day and they agreed to extend our stay as long as we need and this was all before Vil write the review on Google Maps.

NICE Thank You Bark.

If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Thank you very much.
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If you want to go even further you can financially support us. You are absolutely free to donate to a special cause like maybe a bit of dog food, the occasional beer for Vil and sometimes a big piece of meat for both of us.
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On Patreon you can donate on a monthly base start from $1.
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In GoFundMe you can donate to special causes.
You can buy me some food on PayPal :
You use PayPal to send cash to our bank account.

Back @ The Camping Zwaansmeerpolder

After a very long day and night, we came back to the camping this morning around 04:00. After Vil’s ‘unsuccessful’ procedure we stayed all day in town and tried to find a place to stay, but we decided not to spend all our money on a Hotel and so we took the last Sprinter to Uitgeest and walked slowly to the camping place.

The nice lady in the harbour office arranged a very nice, quiet, shady place for us and we can stay there a few days longer, have a relaxed time, gather some strength until ‘procedure number two’ will be performed in the hospital.

Waiting, thinking …. realising!

The day before yesterday we stayed up all day and went slowly to the camping place because we couldn’t afford any place in town.

Indy: “Good evening my friend. How are you and how did you sleep tonight?”

It’s 18:00 and Vil slept all day, now he is barely awake, sweat wet and looks pretty shit.

Vil: “Hmmm,…. I feel ok. There is no pain or nausea at the moment and let’s hope it will stay like this. You know I feel ok most of the time immediately after wake up, but wait for an hour an I tell you how today will be.”

Vil looks scared and very tired. I can’t even imagine how hard that must be when you don’t know if you end up in the hospital again or have a nice and slow day.

Indy: “Take your medicine and stay easy my friend. Maybe a little food?”

Vil opens a pack of milk boils hot water and prepares a coffee. The sun is still shining, it’s not raining and the birds making noise, actually a wonderful day.

Vil: “Do you want some cookies?”

Indy: “Cookies?, but not the ones the funny lady cooked for me. I still have the runs from her food. Please promise me never to bring me there again.”

Vil: “I know and I promise you will never need to go there again, but at that time I had no other choice. I thought she was nice and she helped us, but in the end, it turned out that she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.

I don’t want to go too much in detail because I think that wouldn’t be appropriate, but it really sounds cynic, when someone lectures you while lying in the hospital all the time that you can’t live like this. So she really thinks we choose to live like this?

Anyhow, I feel sorry for her because she didn’t even realize how many problems she has. She is a good person and was nice to you and I appreciate that.”

Indy: “Yes it was ok, but she fed me stuff I never ate before, I got the runs from ….

Nice. More shocking, she promised to help you with a shelter for a few days face to face and then she just sent a text like ‘….. ooooh I am sorry, but I have my own problems, you can’t stay even one night in my place.'”

Vil: “Don’t be ungrateful and forgive her, she has more problems than us. We are somehow free and independent, but she is locked up in her problems. I don’t want to change with her.

You know it was not a good day when I went to the hospital, I felt like shit and I am very sorry, but I had no other choice or do you want to go to an animal shelter next time?”

Indy: “Maybe that’s a better option because there I won’t get the runs, they will take care of me and I won’t get sick.”

Vil: “What’s wrong?”

Indy: “Outch,…… I neeeeed to have a shit again, NOW!”

Indy runs out of the tent and hides behind the bushes, then she makes funny sounds and is not very good.

After a while, she returns.

Indy: “Fuck me! Again the runs. Now I can understand how you feel when you are sick. Can you make me a tea, please?”

Vil: “At first let me check you out. Maybe you have ticks or little animals.”

Vil checks Indy’s coat and he finds several big and blood filled ticks, some animals and a badly infected paw.

Vil: “Wow you are worse than me. At first, I will remove the ticks, give you the medicine and bandage your paw. Then a tea for both of us. Something hot. What about some hot meat bouillon for you?”

Indy: “Yeah, some of it with my normal dog food, please!”

Vil heats up some water and prepares the tea and the bouillon. Luckily we still have enough gas to heat up some food.

Indy: “That smells nice.”

Vil prepares the soup and the dog food for me, slowly.

Indy: “So what we gonna do now?”

Vil looks at me, get a deep breath and exhales.

Vil: “I do have a new appointment for the next procedure and I hope they won’t screw it up again. We need to wait here for two weeks until everything is healed up and they can perform another procedure on me. It’s nice here and we will stay as long as possible.”

Indy: “So we can’t start our walk?

Vil looks very sad and he replies silently.

Vil: “Yes, we are stuck, but who cares? It’s safe here on the camping and we are good for another few days.”

Indy: “But the people are already looking at us and wondering what’s going on.”

Vil: “Yes, they do. Let’s hope we don’t spoil their holidays.”

[UPDATE] : We’ve just got a few angry replies via Whatsapp to this post and we want to say the following: We are very happy for every help and we say “Thank You”, but if we would have a friend who was just released from hospital, we would offer him shelter, food and support without any question. You don’t know the whole conversation and we don’t want to go in detail, so please understand that we are disappointed.

[Update2] They went to the vet and I removed all parts regarding.

Tomorrow is “The Day”!

If you ever considered a day as very important to you, tomorrow is one of these days for Vil. At around 8:30 he will go to sleep and a few minutes later they will remove the stone and put a stent into somewhere ;). Maybe removing the Evil wich caused him to suffer so much, we hope so. No complaints, but sometimes is was a little bit hard to get up again and again. For nearly twenty five years he was sick on and off. Visited hospitals in more countries some people ever in their life travel to.

He learned to appreciate life and understood that “Tomorrow, today will be yesterday!” So many people say that they will buy a car tomorrow or travel tomorrow or life tomorrow, but they tend to forget that there is also a NOW!

Life NOW. Love NOW!

CrossClaws for 2morrow!

E.R.C.P. – Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography

The doctors informed that Vil has to wait a few days to recover a bit and then he will get an ECRP. On Thursday this week it’s ‘Operating Time’. They will put a tube in his throat, cut somewhere, remove the stone and place a stent.

“ERCP is a procedure that enables your physician to examine the pancreatic and bile ducts. A bendable, lighted tube (endoscope) about the thickness of your index finger is placed through your mouth and into your stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum). In the duodenum a small opening is identified (ampulla) and a small plastic tube (cannula) is passed through the endoscope and into this opening. Dye (contrast material) is injected and X-rays are taken to study the ducts of the pancreas and liver.”

Source –

Sick & Happy – Time to celebrate!

It’s celebration time. Vil is in the hospital for a few days now (again), he is not feeling good and still needs very strong medicine, like morphine for the pain, but he is very happy because it seems that the doctors finally figured out what’s wrong with him and why he gets sick every few months.

It seems like a dream that there is finally a reason why he feels so sick all the time and the doctors are able to help him now. More than twenty years of regular sickness, he was in hospitals in six countries dozens of times, he lost several jobs and his family because of this, but there is hope now.

The MRI showed the inflammation AND the stone again, so now they will go for an operation and place the Stent next week. I really hope that he can recover now because I need him, I miss him and I don’t want to be without him.


Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Thank you very much.
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A nice donation from S.C.

Today we received a donation from S.C.. via GoFundMe. S.C. is an old friend of Vil. They started together working in Ireland, had BBQ in the snow, lived in an empty house and had a few garlic Champignons from Tesco together. Hey S., thank you very much. I don’t know you, but I already like you and maybe we visit you some day.

Every little helps and you made sure we can pay for our camping for a few days.


Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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Finished Re-Write

You might have wondered why we posted a lot of ‘old’ content the last couple of days and the answer is: “We finished re-writing our old BLOG posts.” and now this site is up-to-date. Our old BLOG on is still active, but just as an archive and from now on we will post only on this site.

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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Visit my boyfriend

Yesterday Vil needed to go to the hospital again. Luckily we have some good friends who takes care of me.

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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