Category Archives: Featured

12:00 PM – Wake up and a disappointing message (AGAIN!)

Two weeks ago Vil went for a procedure which normally lasts around thirty minutes, but as always, it was a completely different story. The procedure lasted for five hours and after this, they needed to re-schedule, because they made so much ‘minced meat’ inside Vil that they needed to stop, so we waited for two weeks at our camping spot in Uitgeest for ‘Part-II’ and today was the day. We got up very early and I was brought to a friend of us, while Vil went to the hospital.
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Think positive & Life now: “Tomorrow, today will be yesterday!”

Think positive & Life now:
“Tomorrow, today will be yesterday!”

More than 200 posts removed.
We cleaned up! It’s time for a new start, a new perspective and a new approach.

We deleted all posts on Facebook (forever), Twitter (not yet!) and we also archived more than 200 posts from the main blog. The posts are not completely deleted, but for the moment they are not available to the public. Allrite, we know that nothing once published can’t be deleted and that the internet remembers everything, but you get the point.

We removed these posts because we wouldn’t write them like this anymore, because they don’t reflect our actual state of mind and mood. These posts are still there and a part of our story, but we want to get rid of this sometimes quite negative, depressing, raw or even shocking content and we will re-re-write everything in a more positive way. We are sorry because sometimes emotions took over and we were quite angry and surely unfair and we deeply apologise for that.

Life is wonderful, TODAY!

We learned that life is too short to be wasted on anger, disappointments or just stupid things because life is beautiful and …

‘Tomorrow, today will be yesterday!’

There are so many people only living ‘tomorrow’ ….. when they buy a car, ….. when they go on holidays ….. when they will do something they could do today, but they just dream. They are alive, but they don’t have a real life, they live tomorrows dream.

Are you alive right now? Can you really appreciate ‘the moment’ or are you caught in your daily life with all the ‘I need to do this’ and ‘I can’t do that’?

We don’t complain anymore.

Ok, life is a bitch! We’ve hit rock bottom so many times, we lost everything we’ve ever worked for. Our car, job, house and family. Sometimes it was our own stupidity, some wrong decisions at the right time, sometimes just bad luck or a health issue and most of the times it was just a combination of all of them.

Now we are happy when the day is a good day. A good day is a day without pain or some other ‘complications’. A day who starts with hot coffee, a day with food, shelter and maybe some nice conversations.

Other than that, we don’t need much to be happy anymore.

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

Like and Follow us
Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
You can like us on Facebook
You can follow us on Instagram
You can follow us on Twitter

If you want to go even further you can financially support us. You are absolutely free to donate to a special cause like maybe a bit of dog food, the occasional beer for Vil and sometimes a big piece of meat for both of us.
You can donate via Patreon :
On Patreon you can donate on a monthly base start from $1.
You can donate via GoFundMe :
In GoFundMe you can donate to special causes.
You can buy me some food on PayPal :
You use PayPal to send cash to our bank account.

“You touch my dog, you read her BLOG!”

Guess how many time a day someone asks to pets me? Especially children and adults with their small children approach us to pet me.

So please guess how many times? Ten times, twenty? Well, I would say around forty or even fifty times depending where we are around. Maybe even more.

“You touch my dog, you read her BLOG!”

Then we calculated this for a month and a year and when we go for twenty-five papers with a link per day, then we talk about big numbers. 25*365= 9125 contacts a year. If we are able to convert only ten percent would be around one thousand active followers a year.

OK, we might need to ramp up the numbers a bit: “Why not?” 😉 If we really focus on “contacts”, it shouldn’t be a problem to reach five hundred people a day.

These numbers show that there might be potential and it’s worth a try. Let’s dream and go for amazingly twenty percent response and like rate, we could “harvest” interesting numbers.

And now Vil found the most catchy opening sentence ever to collect likes and shares.

“You touch my dog, you read her BLOG!”

So, WELCOME Dear Reader,

We hope you will enjoy our stories, sit back and read. We promise everything is true and absolutely everything happened as posted.

A teaser is very important, so we will disclose a few things to happen on this BLOG: 

  • Vil will be arrested twice and strip-searched once!
  • I will nearly be kidnapped.
  • We will be homeless for a few months and sleep at the beach.
  • A gun will be pointed at Vil, luckily he will not shot, but unfortunate stabbed.
  • We make really good friends, together we squat a house. 
  • We will live in France, Spain, The Netherlands and Germany.
  • Vil will work several jobs. 
  • Vil ends up in the ICU one day with dehydration, more dead than alive.
  • … and much more.

Sometimes I think I need to especially stress this fact because our stories sound too unbelievable to be true.

“You touch my dog, you read her blog!

Please, like her on Facebook and share our stories.”

Please & Thank you.

Vil & Indy

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

Like and Follow us
Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
You can like us on Facebook
You can follow us on Instagram
You can follow us on Twitter