Indy’s BLOG – Vil’s legs are an issue!

Today a little story from Vil.

Okay, I admit it, my legs are not the most beautiful ones. They are hairy, cheese colored (not anymore) and my skin is full of little scars. I am a diabetic, my skin doesn’t heal very well anymore and every little scratch leaves a scar. Annoying, but nothing serious you might think, but obviously there is an issue for some people.

I am working as a German and English level support agent on the phone and I just started a week ago. The training is easy and the job itself is a piece of cake. I thought all is going well until my team lead advised me to wear long trousers because some colleagues see an “issue of private hygiene”. He told me that people take issue on the scars and the plasters on my legs.

WTF, may I ask? That’s embarrassing and somehow also discrimination.

I should wear a trouser because I have scars on my skin! Or, another way around, I am not allowed to wear short trousers, because my legs don’t look “top model” alike! Get a grip, life is not always beautiful.

Maybe, you tell a girl that she shouldn’t wear the short dress, because “she is too fat”? No, you won’t do that!, because that’s discrimination. Where is the difference between me and her?

Now I am considering my options and I might file an official complaint against this kind of treatment.

Obviously, I will not last very long in this team and surely I will continue to look for a decent job. I have no doubt that the perfect position awaits me somewhere out there.


After evaluating the situation I know what’s going on. Yes, I do have scars and a discoloration of my skin. Sometimes I need to plaster some spaces because the skin tear from time to time. And that’s all. Nothing serious or infectious.

BUT some of my new colleagues took it a bit too serious and instead of talking to me they went to the team lead and demanded a certificate of health. WTF?

Then it gets even better. The team lead doesn’t talk to me or tries to calm the situation, as you might expect from a good and responsible team lead. NO, he writes an email to my employer and complains about my “personal hygiene” . Double WTF!

I have no idea what he exactly wrote because the mail never reached me.Now I am waiting for someone to approach me and I really hope they will give me a warning written on company paper.

I consider this kind of behaviour as ignorant, stupid and most of all as discrimination

Indy’s BLOG – Im Ausland ankommen! (German!)

Um überhaupt „richtig“ in einer Stadt ankommen zu können müssen einige Dinge im Vorfeld geklärt sein und davon ist die Suche nach einer bezahlbaren einer Unterkunft mit Sicherheit wohl das Wichtigste. Wenn Du „nur“ innerhalb Deines Landes umziehst, dass ist das ganze Unterfangen nichts neues mehr für Dich und sollte Problemlos von statten gehen.

Wenn Du aber Dein Heimatland verlässt und dich ins Ausland begibst, dann ist es eine ganz andere Situation und es warten viele Fallen auf Dich, in die Du, wenn Du Dich nicht genügend vorbereitest, mit Sicherheit tappen wirst.Hier einige Anmerkungen zum Thema!

Stelle Dir folgende Fragen:

  • Bekomme ich einen richtigen Mietvertrag?

  • Kannst Du Dich bei der Adresse registrieren?Dies kann wichtig sein, wenn Du eine offizelle Adresse benötigst um bespielsweise eine Krankenversicherung oder ein Konto bei einer Bank zu bekommen.

  • Darf der Vermieter überhaupt untervermieten?

  • Kannst Du Deinem Bereich abschließen?

  • Will der Vermieter Zugang zu Deinem Bereich?

  • Dürfen Freunde bei Dir übernachten?

  • Wie komme ich vom Wohnort zur Arbeit?

  • Ist die Nutzung gemeinsam genutzer Bereiche geklärt? (Bad, Wohnzimmer, Balkon, .…)

  • Ist die Nutzung gemeinsam genutzer Geräte geklärt? (Herd, Kühlschrank, TV,….)

  • Gibt es Internet und wie schnell ist es?

Grundsätzliche Tipps:

  • Zahle NIEMALS irgendwelche Gebühren oder Kaution via Western Union oder so, denn solltest Du dies tun, so wird Dein Geld mit 100%iger Sicherheit verloren sein.

  • Lasse Dir alle Zahlungen quitieren.

  • Es gibt keine „Fünf Sterne Appartments“ für 300 Euro! PUNKT! Spare Dir die Zeit auf solche Anzeigen zu antworten.

Ich würde mich über Rückmeldungen freuen.

Habe ich etwas vergessen?

Indy’s BLOG – Little issues with the room!

When you move into a big city with a low supply of flats or rooms, most likely you will meet some landlords which rent out one room to pay for the whole flat. Unfortunately, you can’t recognize these people immediately, most of the times they are friendly, and show nice pictures of the room because they want your money first and the “issues” pop up later.

Our place is quite nice, but it seems that the landlord one of the greedy ones. First, he is not willing to let us register at the place, which means that Vil has a bit of an issue to get his papers. Also, he is a bit of a control freak and he already complained that Vil uses the washing machine too often. You see the fridge is completely packed. We only got one shelf.

And that’s the storage space he “generously” left us.

At least, but surely not the last issue, he doesn’t give us any storage space for food, so that all food needs to be stored in our room, only one shelf in the fridge and just one place for one litre of milk.

You see the fridge is packed, but all with his stuff he paid with my money and the little space for food in the shelf is not usable.

Well, Vil registered anyway and the next days the authorities will visit him and end his greedy game.

It’s a shame and surely we will leave ASAP.


Indy’s BLOG – We’ve got a room (with little issues)!

We found a room in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Quite nice room for an “ok” price! The issue: We can’t legally register here, because the landlord refuses to hand over any kind of contract or other legal documents which we could use to register. He cashes the rent without paying any taxes. Let’s see…….