Indy’s BLOG – There is kissing before f*****!

Today we went to our actual office, as we usually do after work. The two mile walk is quite nice. Vil walks me very day for a minimum of one and a half hour and on weekends we are outside all day. Ok , we went to the office, Vil had a coffee and a chat. All was fine until a small little white fucker jumped at me and tried to ….. me. Wow,….. Squeeeeeeek!

Vil took immediate action, grabbed the small one, “unplugged” him and saved me. Now, “small white fucker dog owner” finally appears and instead of taking care about “small little white fucker”, he grabbed Vil’s arm and said quite aggressive “leave my dog alone”….. WTF?

Small little fucker dog can be happy that I didn’t eat him and now this “responsible” dog owner tries to wind Vil up? Both are rude. Like we know: “The Dog is a reflection of the owner!” So, please “small white fucker dog” and his master: STAY AWAY FROM US!

There is kissing before fucking!!!


PS White fucker dog owner plays actually a quite good jazz,…………

Indy’s BLOG – Happy Birthday Brother (GERMAN)

Hallo Dirk,

heute wärst Du 50 Jahre alt geworden,
aber leider hast Du es nicht so weit geschafft
und schon vor mehr als zwei Jahren das Licht ausgemacht.

Schade eigentlich, denn ich hätte gerne noch ein Bier mit Dir getrunken, aber das sollte nicht sein. Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut, wo immer Du auch sein magst. Vielleicht siehst Du ja Mama irgendwo und wenn, dann richte ihr bitte ganz liebe Grüße von mir aus.

Dirk Dorfmüller

* 04.11.1966
† 15.08.2015


Indy’s BLOG – A “Messie Landlord” in El Raval

When you are in need of accommodation in a big town, then you will learn very fast, that there is a very high demand, but only very little supply which leads to the crazy situation, that totally shitholes are rented out for an enormous amount of money.

In Spain, we lived in a few places and most of the time it was the same issue.  If the landlord itself stays in the flat, then most likely he uses to the other room to pay the rent for the complete flat.

As an expat, you are the milk-cow for the locals.  they use the situation to their advantage as much as possible.

When we shared a flat in El Raval,  the landlord was not only a total Messi, he also had serious mental problems, since combination was somehow “interesting “and led the end to a total escalation.

Here you can see a few pictures from the flat. All of the stuff is the stuff of the landlord and you see that the whole flat is totally filled up with whatever. The kitchen sink is totally dirty, the microwave is broken, the toilet is not working properly,  the fridge is filled up with rotten stuff and it’s actually no pleasure to live with this guy.

Our “room” is actually just the divided extension of the living room with no real door, just a sliding one and no window. That is already s***, but if you think it can’t get any worse, you are mistaken. There is another “room”, which is way smaller than ours. We pay 400 freaking Euros, the “Russian guy” 350 and the whole flat is messed up by the landlord.

Indy’s BLOG – Nearly Arrested

This morning we came home around 0400 and before going to bed I wanted to have the last shit, so we went to the “doggy shit place”. There were still plenty of people on the street and I enjoyed myself until a guy grabbed my leash and pulled me away from the place. “What the fuck is going on here? Who is this dude and what does he want?” Panic, I started to bark and Vil recognized that something is wrong.

“Hurry up my friend, I am in big trouble here.” Vil needed a moment to locate me,  but then he was even faster then Ursain Bolt and he started to chase us. The creepy guy pulls even harder on my leash and I start to seriously freak out. There he is,  I am safe. “What are you doing with my dog?  Leave her alone.” The creepy guy stops and slowly turns around. He is drunk, he stinks and he looks like he wanted to make some trouble. “This is your dog?”, in Spanish. “Yes, fuck, and now give me the leash.” Vil tried to grab my leash but Ugly Guy didn’t want to let go. They both pull, I am barking and try to bite. Ugly guy tries to punch Vil in the face, but Vil’s reaction is way faster. He is on 1000 volts, pushed of adrenaline,  he ducks and places a straight slap on the ugly guy’s face.

It makes a funny sound when a nose breaks. Immediately the ugly guy is covered on blood and screaming. “I kill you.” Vil backs off,  but the ugly guy is running in Vil’s direction and that is not a very good idea, because Vil was prepared and finishes Ugly Guy with a straight punch in the face. Vil is normally very relaxed and tries to avoid any kind of confrontation, but this is a completely different situation.

At this moment two policemen show up and start to shout in Spanish. First, they handcuff Vil and then they check out ugly guy. They find him barely conscious and decide to call an ambulance. Vil was is placed in the back of the police car and they drive him away. One policeman stays with me until the veterinary emergency arrives to take care of me. The ambulance for Ugly guy arrives. He is still a bit deranged and moments later the vet emergency arrives as well and I am locked up in a dog transport box.

They drive Vil to a place station and there his identity is checked, Interpol questioned, photos made,  DNA and fingerprints were taken and a report needed to be written, but therefore a translator was needed,  because Vil speaks no Spanish, the policemen rudimentary English and the report itself would be in Spanish,  so it was a really good idea to wait for the translator and use his services.

Vil explained the situation using google translate on his phone and the policemen understood, but Ugly Guy is quite hurt and they need to write an official report. No way out. They need Vil’s statement and that needs to be in Spanish.

Three hours later Vil is finally free to leave the police station. The Veterinary Emergency people are really nice, they pick up Vil and give us a lift home.

All good now.

Good thing in the bad situation, that they didn’t frisk Vil or me. 🙂

A bit freaked out “WUFF”!