“Hey Vil, there’s something wrong.
4 years in a row….
….. we have some kind of “supply outage”.
“Hey Vil, there’s something wrong.
….. we have some kind of “supply outage”.
I will write this message in German because this is the only way I can be sure that my insults are correctly spelled. I will attach an automatic Google Translate translation in the end.
This is an extension to this post.`
“Hallo ex-Manager,
bist Du nun zufrieden? Ich denke schon, obwohl Du Dein Projekt mehr oder weniger an die Wand gefahren hast, denn ich halte Dich für einen “Soziopathen” ohne Empathie, der nicht mitbekommt was wirklich passiert.
Du bist gut darin vorzugeben, dass Du Dich sorgst, aber als Du die Chance hattest etwas Gutes zu tun, da hast Du Dein wahres Gesicht gezeigt. Deine Kollegen in HR denken wirlick, dass Du Dir sorgen gemacht hast, aber wenn dies wirklich der Fall gewesen wäre, dann hättest Du nicht so kalt reagiert und Vil einfach gefeuert, denn es war klar für Dich, dass Du Vil’s Chancen wieder auf die Füsse zu kommen zerstört hast.
Ok, Vil ist vielleicht nicht der einfachste Mitarbeiter, aber so etwas hat er nicht verdient. Achja, nut eine Frage um zu sehen, wer Du wirklich bist: “Weist Du eigentlich, warum Vil im Krankenhaus war?” NEGATIV!, Du weist nichts, gar nichts…..
Du hattest die Chance ein sehr gutes Team aufzubauen, aber leider warst Du nicht in der Lage zu akzeptieren, dass Deine Mitarbeiter nicht “Deine Untergebenen” sind, sondern Individuen und Teil eines Teams und nun springen die Agents alle langsam ab.
Du hast es akzeptiert dass Lügen als Fakten produziert wurden, Du hast selbst gelogen und glaube mir, diese Lügen sind nicht unbemerkt geblieben. Du hast Deine Mitarbeiter gezwungen gegen Firmenvorschriften zu verstossen, Du hast Fragen Deiner Mitarbeiter mit Lügen beantwortet und vor allem Du hast Deinen Kunden angelogen. Wenn wir dies alles beweisen wollten, was wir können, dann sähe es für Deinen Job recht dunkel aus.
Dein Team ist nicht blöd und die machen Deinen Mist nur mit, weil sie nicht anders können, denn sie benötigen den Job und sie wissen was passieren würde, wenn sie etwas sagen.
Achja, ein Tip. Das nächste Mal, wenn Du mit jemandem redest, dann komme ihm nicht zu nahe, denn Du hast durchaus unangenehme Eigenschaft einem sehr nah, zu nah, zu kommen.
Zum Schluss wünsche ich Dir nur einen einzigen Tag an dem Du Dich so schlecht fühlst wie Vil, damit Du mal mitbekommst, wie Scheisse es ist, wenn Du Blut kotzt, es Dir nicht gut geht, Du im Krankenhaus liegst und Dich fragen musst, ob Du das überstehen wirst.
Wegen Dir hat Vil keinen Job mehr, denn Du hattest die Macht ihn zu behalten oder zu feuern und nun lebt er auf der Strasse…… Super, Du Arschloch!
——————- GOOGLE TRANSLATE —————
“Hello, ex manager,
Are you satisfied now? I think, although you have moved your project more or less to the wall because I regard you as a “sociopath” without empathy, who do not know what really happens.
You are good at pretending to be careful, but when you had the chance to do something good, you showed your true face. Your colleagues in HR are thinking that you were worried, but if that were the case, you would not have reacted so coldly, and Vil was simply fired because it was clear to you that you could get Vil’s chances back on her feet To come to ruin.
Ok, Vil may not be the simplest employee, but he did not deserve it. Oh, ask a question to see who you really are: “Do you really know why Vil was in the hospital?” NEGATIVE !, you have nothing, nothing at all … ..
You had the chance to build a very good team, but unfortunately, you were not able to accept that your employees are not “your subordinates”, but individuals and part of a team, and now the agents are all slow down.
You have accepted that lies were produced as facts, you lied and believe me, these lies have not been unnoticed. You have forced your employees to violate company regulations, you have answered questions of your staff with lies and above all, you have lied to your customers. If we wanted to prove all that we could, it would be quite dark for your job.
Your team is not stupid and they just do your crap because they can not help it because they need the job and they know what would happen when they say something.
Oh, a hint. The next time you talk to someone, do not get too close to him because you have quite unpleasant property one very close, too close to come.
Finally, I wish you only one day to feel as bad as Vil, so you know how shit it is when you puke blood, you are not well, you lie in the hospital and you have to ask if You’ll be able to do that.
And now to the end: Because of you Vil has no job, because you had the power to keep him or fire and now he lives on the road …… Super, you asshole!
Today the energy company switched off the GAS. No heating, no cooking, and no warm water. That’s actually no surprise anymore because we already knew that something smells fishy here.
A guy plays the guitar in the train. Unfortunately he also sings and he is so bad, that he should pay me for listening.
Normally you think a pharmacy is expensive and that you surely will pay loads of money for your pills. Today Vil went to the pharmacy to buy some pills. Normally he uses Nexium, because his doctor said so. “Nexium (esomeprazole) is a proton pump inhibitor that decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach.”
The pharmacist said: “We don’r have Nexium on stock, but you can use a generic Omeprazole because it’s literally the same substance. The Nexium would be available this evening and 12,75 a pack. The Omeprazole is available now and 2,25. What do you want?”
SERIOUSLY, …. that’s a question? 10.25 Euro saved!
Thanks Pharmacist
Survival Tip: Always ask for generic medicine.
Tomorrow we will go “LIKE hunting”!,
we will go to Place de Catalunyia, Ramblas, the beach, Place de Gracia, Gotic Quarter, Born…. We go wherever the tourists are and give out my Facebook Page to collect new Facebook LIKES.
This is a new kind of “begging”. Not asking for money anymore…. Ok, we would take Bitcoin 🙂 and other coins, but our main focus is my Facebook page.
Let’s see how many LIKES we can make in a few hours.
Vil prepared tiny flyers with my Facebook page address and some bigger ones we will stick on the walls.
Sure you know these guys playing an instrument insanely loud in the underground asking for your money. We don’t sing, don’t dance or play any instrument, we are different, we just sit there, wait and collect LIKES.
How many LIKES we can collect a day. Ten, twenty, even more……? No idea. We will calculate the LIKES per HOUR and see if it’s worth.
See you tomorrow in town.
Pre-Sales BDM for Cloud Services. 1.st interview. 13:00.
I cross my claws…
Vil got positive feedback for yesterdays interview and the company wants to continue with stage II of the hiring process…..
Hello Vil,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. You seem to have a very interesting background that fits with what we are looking for as a business, so we will speak with the hiring manager with a view to moving you to the 2nd stage in the process. In the meantime, I would like to offer you some material to help you understand us a little better.
Here is a link to the livestream of our Worldwide Customer Event that was held last July in New York. This will give you an overview about our strategy, customers and solutions:XXXXXXX
Attached is also a job description to review and a Corporate Brochure.
We will be back in touch shortly to advise you about the next steps.
Kind regards,