Indy’s BLOG – Squatting Day TWO!

“Knocks at the door!”

Today we woke up with loud banging at the door! …

No One!

When Vil opened the door there was no one. We think it might was the landlord trying to enter the house and  we need to get used to it.


We have still no idea where to go to when they throw us out. The guy who rented us the room bunked off to Athens yesterday, he found a new job there and left us in the house.

For the moment we are ok here and maybe we throw a party on Friday evening? 🙂

  • Energy – CHECK
  • Internet – CHECK
  • Water – CHECK
  • Sun – CHECK
  • Mood – CHECK 🙂

The Owner

Tonight the owner stood in front of the door. Vil told him that we won’t leave and go on the road. we paid our rent to the other guy and we rather wait for the police to arrest us, because then we have food and a warm place. 🙂 He didn’t believe, but Vil is dead serious.


At 1600 Vil will had an interview for a position as Senior Digital Sales Consultant in Amsterdam. Cross fingers. Maybe the force will be with him this time.

So much so for today.


Indy’s BLOG – We’re officially squatting a house! :)

From today on we are officially squatting a house in Badalona. We have no gas, electricity and internet still work, but we don’t know for how long. Our legal status is unclear and it’s possible that the police will eject us any time, but until then we prefer to stay here in the dry with a roof over our heads, instead of sleeping somewhere in the streets under a bridge.

Hmmm, I am not sure if this is funny or scary!


To follow our “Squatting Adventure” klick squatting!

Indy’s BLOG – Again: “Too qualified!”

The job search becomes more or less a joke. Vil got another rejection right now, because he is way to qualified. Why companies can’t understand that’s not all the time about money. Vil is ok to work a “lower level job”,  because for him “work life balance” is not just a phrase and more important then money.

Fuck it!

Indy’s BLOG – Interview went well…

Yesterdays interview went very well and Vil thinks that he got the job. The final decision will be made start next week when Vil had a “test day” at the company, but for now we like to think that he got the job…..

It’s a funny situation right now. We are totally broke, not even five Euros in the pocket, we are squatting in an illegal house, we have no gas and it’s likely that we will get expelled quite soon.

So it might be that Vil has a good job, but no home for us next week.