[Sticky Post] – My name is Indy and this is my BLOG!


I am a Labrador & Collie mix, I was born 02-10-2012 in France as Hindia. I was three months old when Vil, my “Tin-Opener”, rescued me from the animal shelter and now he is my best buddy in the world.

I am a totally relaxed dog, but I don’t play with balls or fetch the sticks. I prefer to run on the beach or cuddle on the sofa.

Vil is my best friend, my companion and I really like him. The first years we lived in a nice house in Bidache in the beautiful Basque Country, we had a garden, cats and a complete family and we planned to stay there for a long time, but in 2016 our life changed and from one day to the other, we needed to find a new life.

tl;dr – The Teaser

„We are a team and nothing will ever divide us, we belong together and every day is a part of our adventure.“

A teaser is very important, so we will disclose a few things to happen on this BLOG: We will live in France, Amsterdam, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Barcelona and Germany. Vil will be arrested … twice, strip-searched … once! Indy will nearly be kidnapped, we will be homeless for a few months, we will live in a tent for a long time, also we will have a good time and sleep at the beach. A gun will be pointed at Vil and we make really good friends, together we squat a house. Vil ends up in the ICU one day with dehydration, more dead than alive, Vil will score a well-paid job in Amsterdam, we will relocate to the Netherlands and all went terribly south when the company breached the contract.

All of this will happen … and much, much more.

If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

Vil & Indy

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You can like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndyCaTheDog
You can follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indyderhund/
You can follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndyDerHund

How to be a top performer and still get fired!

#WayFair #GotFired

“Yes, you are a top performer.
Yes, you’ve got awarded in November for being a sales superstar.
Yes, you’ve got awarded for outstanding customer feedback.
Yes, you’ve got awarded for always helping your team and colleagues.
Yes, you are a valued member of the team.
Yes, there is no doubt you can do the job.
Yes, your KPIs are looking great.

Yes, we are still looking for new employees.

But, NO, we won’t extend your contract, because are too sick. You say, that you are better now, but….. we’ve got our procedures.”

Yes, I WAS very sick. Life-threatening sick and I needed to go to the hospital, had a major surgical procedure. They removed a part of my pancreas, the bile and spleen and then I needed to stay within the ICU for weeks. Now everything is better and I am back on track for a good recovery.

Six weeks ago you offered me to come back, but at that time my recovery was still ongoing. Now I am ready to go, but I can’t because you reconsidered. Finally, the “risk” of employing me is too high for the management.


Let me ask you: Where is the “We are a family”, “We care about each other”, “Work-life balance”…..? All fake news?

Disappointed, but: “Hey, I cheated death!”

Have a nice day!

Well, well, well…

The good news. The”re-wiring” worked. My digestive system seems to completely start up and slowly I can eat a little. Unfortunately, there is still the “occasional” nausea, but it gets better.

I lost plenty of weight and I was never a big guy, more tall and skinny and now I am a walking skeleton.

I was not aware of how much time I need to recover. I would say half of the journey is over. “Bergfest”  another four weeks minimum and then it’s back to work. I am looking forward to being back because I like the work and my team is amazing. We know our stuff, we are German, we are efficient, and we are highly decorated. GO German Virtual!

Anyhow, next week Tuesday the Rehabilitation starts. Three weeks minimum. They will need a bit more time because they need to install and adjust an insulin pump and that takes time. I slowly transform into a cyborg. First the sensor and now a pump. Enough questions for the check-in.

A friend of mine stays in my flat because he found a job nearby. So, that’s taken care of.

So, let’s see what happens next.

The recovery process

It’s good to be home, but it’s not easy. I am exhausted, every task lasts longer and I am already happy when I am able to walk Indy to the second bench.

I never imagined that it will be so hard to arrange life, doing the dishes or just get some bread.

Except for one or two walks with Indy, I am not able to do anything and I sleep all day.

There’s no pain anymore just the usual nausea. It’s not easy to eat while you are nauseous, but I found a little variety of foods I can stand. Canned fruits, flakes, soup, some vegetables. Bread is ok, some fresh cheese, light pate, but everything fat requires a pill. Tea is ok, but very little coffee and no carbonated drinks.

Back Home!

Now I am back at home and wait for the rehabilitation treatment will start. I need to learn what I can eat, try to gain weight and an insulin pump needs to be adjusted to me. All these needs its time and I need to be patient.

Feeling better.

The loo works and I am able to eat again. Now it’s time to start the main recovery process.

Status Quo.

I feel a little bit better. The scar is massive. 21 clamps already removed and the scar is long. Around 35 centimetres. Well healed, but they destroyed my Sixpack. 🙂

[UPDATE] – Rehabilitation Centre Moelln

I need to attend a rehabilitation program. There I learned what and how to eat and how to gain weight without hurting myself. Three weeks of lessons, extra care, presentations, and additionally a mixture of swimming pool, massage, gymnastics or yoga, good food.

Bye, bye Berlin! Thank you!

I finished my stay in Berlin, back home for two weeks and prepare for the rehabilitation centre.

Let the customer say: „YES!“

While talking to the customer try to make him say „YES!“ as much as possible, but don’t use this too many times. Let him agree to all your actions. Keep him in the loop. Inform him of the (expected) outcome and always let him agree and say „YES!“

Read on and learn WHY!

Try to ask the questions in a way the client will most likely answer with “YES!”, this will put the client in a more positive mood and make him more likely say „YES!“ without recognising it.

Even if you are not able to solve the issue and the final outcome is somehow negative for the customer, he will remember you as a person, your approach and attitude more positive, because he agreed with „YES!“ to all your actions, he was involved in the process and won’t blame you so hard.

More about dealing with an Unhappy Client = Negative CSAT?

Once the customer is used saying „YES!“ to you, it’s way more likely he will answer the last and most important question: „Did you receive a satisfying service?“ with „YES!“