Indy’s BLOG – Jackpot! We invite you to Amsterdam!

Now it’s official. Vil hit the jackpot!!!

We will move to Amsterdam Sunday morning. Everything is arranged, we go by plane, then a taxi and welcome new home. Goodbye Spain, from now on we will enjoy Dutch lifestyle.

To celebrate we invite you to our new place!

To visit contact us via

WhatsApp + 34 694 403 951

I am only five years old, but I already lived three countries. I was born in France, then we moved to Germany for a few weeks, now we have been a year Spain and next week I will add the Netherlands to my list.

Hmmm, I need to learn to bark Dutch and that’s a real challenge because they have sounds, I don’t know. Chhhrrrrhhhhhzz… That is just fantastic. How should I bark at the Dutch boys?

How is it to live in Holland? Naja, for the beginning we are sorted. Please see our fucking amazing temporary home in Amsterdam. For the next thirty days, we open our door to all our friends. If you are in Amsterdam, please feel free to visit us.

Here are a few pictures of our new home. Sunday at 18:00 we will sit on our terrace and have a drink on you all.

To visit, please contact us via

WhatsApp + 34 694 403 951

Cheesy Bark

Indy’s BLOG – Waiting, AGAIN!

Vil got the job,  that’s no question,  but we still need to wait until the security check is finished and until then we have no other choice then to be on standby. It’s not easy to have no idea when the check will be finished. They want to check papers which are more then thirty years old and this will last. We are not even sure if the originals still exist, because Vil finished his high-school in the last century…….


Indy’s BLOG – Amsterdam here we come…

Hello to all our friends and followers,

Vil will start his job at the next month and until then we have plenty of things to arrange. Most important we need a place somewhere in the Netherlands, Spain or France to wait until our flat is ready.

Currently, we are still in Badalona, a big thank you Theresa, Jack and Miquel, but we can’t stay here forever. We are totally happy and grateful that they offered us food and shelter, but now it’s time to leave. 🙁

All is sorted and the “good life” is waiting for us and now we need a place to stay for a few days. If you can offer us a sofa for a few days, no matter if in Spain, France or The Netherlands, please contact us via email: or WhatsApp: +34694 403 951.

A big WUFF to you all.
