Indy’s BLOG – Fired! Why I didn’t pass my probation time at Oracle!

I was living in Spain when I was hired to join the Oracle Digital Team in Amsterdam and in the beginning, all sounded very well. A super job, a nice town and a good future inside a well-known company. Hired as a Digital Sales Consultant, it sounded like the job of my dreams, but unfortunately it turned out that I had a week’s long ordeal in front of me, everything went to shit and finally I was informed that Oracle will terminate my working contract, effective immediately.

Seriously? YES!

I use this way to publish my story because no one within Oracle talks to me anymore, even HR doesn’t respond and ordered all my contacts within Oracle not to answer my emails or calls. I even got the answer “… Google the HR phone number yourself…..”, when I asked for an HR contact to sort out the issues.

I don’t really know what to say, I am shocked, devastated and I needed to figure out what to do now. I decided that from today on I will publish every one or two days a little story about what went wrong until someone within Oracle will start to talk to me.

When I was hired by Oracle, I was happy and somehow proud, because I made it to the top of IT. I was now a part of one of the biggest companies in the world and my future would be a good one. I was living in Barcelona and relocated to Amsterdam. It was a dream, Oracle arranged all, the flight, a temporary accommodation and I started working straight away. There was a huge relocation budget available and I thought all will be covered, but the issues arrived very fast and finally I am without work and back to square one again.

Bottom line: “Hey Oracle you can’t hire and relocate me and then leave me alone, without any support, without any response to multiple requests for help. Maybe legally all is correct and you followed your procedures and the law, but may I remind you that there is not only the law, there’s also something YOU call ‘corporate and social responsibility’. Where was it when I asked for help?”

Now I am homeless, no health insurance, no job in a foreign country and with more than 10.000 Euro in debt with Oracle for my screwed up relocation.

If you want to know how all that happened, come back for the next part, when the “first issue” becomes clear.


Part II: “No money, no flat, no registration, no bank account, no health insurance… No help!”

P.S.: I seriously hope that someone from HR or legal will contact me. For your reference please check ID953406.

Payment CHAOS!

Yesterday Vil received his FIRST REGULAR payment on his bank account and, YOU F***NG GUESS IT, something went wrong.

Vil got only HALF of his payment. He received a payslip from HR and there is his March payment he fought so hard for, marked as advance and deducted in April. WTF?! You might think. Now we have financial chaos all over.

Still missing money from Steigenberger directly, then the payment for the Steigenberger room from the relocation company and at last the March “advance” payment they deducted in April.

Hey guys, …. slowly it gets really funny.

Our own keys. 11:00 tomorrow morning.

We live in Amsterdam now for six weeks and we already moved three times and tomorrow we will move again to our new place in Amsterdam. We really hope that this will be the last time we need to move for a long time. Around 11:00 tomorrow morning we will get the keys. The flat is really nice and Dutch. It’s very near to Vondel and Rembrandt Park, plenty of space to run, meet other dogs and enjoy the time in Amsterdam. BBQ! 🙂

House Viewing!…. Vil’s Odyssey!

For 500 Euros you get around 10 square meters space. Ok, there was a balcony, but also loud music from the neighbors. Also an ages old, stained, stinky  mattress (buah!), no desk or wardrobe, but dirt everywhere. A dirty kitchen with no space in the fridge and the cherry on the top, a drunk landlady, too wasted to get up or answer the phone. Seriously. 1830 and there where three empty bottles on the table and a fourth open one. Happy days…..

Ok, price wise 500 Euro is a steal for Amsterdam, but we decided not to go for the cheapest, most crappy option, because we had that already in Barcelona and it suxx.

This is what we found in the internet and might get for a reasonable price in Jan Pieter Heijestraat.

The owner, Geert, is a really cool dude, he is genuine and travelling the world. In the moment he is somewhere in Peru, we had a short chat via Skype and he is a really open and friendly person.

Surely, Vil checked him on Facebook and LinkedIN, he is most likely legit and no Western Union scam.

Hey Geert, you checked Vil and we checked you. There is plenty of scam in this word and there is nothing wrong to be cautious. 🙂 You will be happy to have us as tenants. Thank you for considering <-UpdateSpoiler! 🙂 trusting us.

Tomorrow we will know if Geert likes us as tenants ……!

Steigenberger, AGAIN!


yesterday the lock on Vil’s credit card was finally released and the money came back to Vil’s account, but unfortunately, Steigenberger took another 480 Euro on whatever reason at the same time and somehow exceeded the maximum usage limit of Vil’s credit card, so we are still broke.


Steigenberger….. Don’t you have your papers in order?

Steigenberger? The story continues!

The last days Vil exchanged several emails with the Steigenberger Airport Hotel in Amsterdam and in the end nothing changed. The money is still somewhere in the digital space, but not on Vil’s account and aditionally there are bookings in Vil’s side which has no counterpart in the Steigenberger system.

Still broke…

What was that? Excuse me please!?

Sometimes life is like cinema, surreal and unpredictable. Today was one of these days, which confuses us more then we understand.

Vil went to work and the site leader introduced him to a colleague Vil never met before. He said that Vil might want to talk to her.

Vil went to a conference booth with her and she introduced herself ask a colleague from the other floor and that she was informed by the site leader that there is an ‘issue’ with the relocation. She claims that she already helped many by lending money for the deposit and that she offers her services to Vil.

Vil didn’t understood, he was confused and asked why she does that and what the conditions are. He apologized, but right now he couldn’t believe that this happens now.

Then something strange happened. She immediately revoked her offer. Vil didn’t understand again. Is that a game to humiliate him even more?

No idea why, but we think it’s legit to ask for someones intentions before accepting an offer.

Awkward, but more sad that hit Vil somehow and he has stomach problems now.
