Indy’s BLOG – Coffee Shop Review : “The Stud”

The Stud“, a nice coffee shop, not too fancy, but one of the best menus in Amsterdam. Especially the “Menue Boxes” with five different 0.5 g portions of delicious smoke are worth the money.

Molukkenstraat 581
1095 BJ Amsterdam

Tel: +31(0)20 694 0983

Opening Times
Monday 07:00 – 01:00
Tuesday 07:00 – 01:00
Wednesday 07:00 – 01:00
Thursday 07:00 – 01:00
Friday 07:00 – 01:00
Saturday 07:00 – 01:00
Sunday 07:00 – 01:00
Smoke area closed at 23:00

Indy’s BLOG – Moving Day! (AGAIN)

Vil just went to Bo-Rent to hire a little van for moving to Apeldoorn. The van was just 58.- Euro for 24 hours inclusive everything and way less than the 80 Euro last time Alfred exploited from us, but thanks god we don’t have to see this guy again anytime soon.

A colleague offered us to stay with him for a few weeks until we find something ‘better’. 🙂 and now everything is already packed and we are ready to go. Well, who thought that we will be again on the move so soon?

Indy’s BLOG – Leave as much damage as possible!

Alfred is gone, FINALLY!, but it wasn’t without a few final insults. We expected something to happen because he is the kind of character who needs to ‘win’ and he needs to have the last word. Allrite! Go for it.

Today he sends us an email and informed us that he corresponded directly with the agency and the landlord.

Well, what is that? All the time it’s our business to deal with the landlord and the agency and now? That’s just the last confirmation of his backstabbing intentions! 🙂

Don’t worry mate, we’ve got you covered! Check out ->

I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but it doesn’t matter anymore. You are one of the worst opportunistic freeloaders of all time and we just ask you to consider …

(1) When you threaten someone you better be sure you know whom you are talking to!
(2) Google yourself from time to time, you will be unpleasantly surprised in the near future. 🙂
(3) Guess how much nonsense someone could do with a copy of your passport.
(4) Guess how much damage someone could do with your BSN Number.
(5) Guess how much fun someone could have with the copies of your bills you left behind.

Come back from time to time and you will see yourself shouting and insulting everyone! You remember? We had a CCTV in the house! Naaaa,…… I don’t need to do this…. Or do I?


Indy’s BLOG – Finish the job!

When you sharing an apartment it’s crucial that everyone adheres to the rules of social understanding and treat each other with respect, but that’s not always the case, because sometimes you encounter someone behaving like living in a hotel.

Alfred is one of them. We invited him into our house because we thought that he might be a good flatmate, but we couldn’t be more wrong. He turned out to be the most unpleasant person we’ve ever met and in the end, he was lucky that we didn’t lose our temper because of a behaviour like this other people got a serious answer.

He did absolutely nothing in the flat, except causing stress and irritations. He took advantage of us, enjoyed our work organizing everything and just ‘parasited’, but when he wanted something for himself he was very persistent, actually penetrant. Numerous calls, texts and messages when he needed something, but everything else was ‘our business’.

Well, a few impressions. He cleans only ‘partially’, which means that he only ‘cleans’ his stuff and everything else need to be done by someone else. Like here, the dustbin was filled up and what did he do? Well, a new bag, but dump the full one near the bin and waiting for someone else to bring it down. He is living here for nearly two months and he actually doesn’t know how to open the bin outside.

Lazy TWAT!

Indy’s BLOG – Get Lost M8!


did you really think that you will stay until the end of the month, continue to behave like living in a hotel, in the end not pay the bills and then just leave?

Did you really think that you can just leave all the mess behind you? NOPE!

I already know that I don’t have to expect anything from you, but crap and NOW I tell you now what you will do. You will leave the house BEFORE me and you will NOT return.

I will leave the flat at the 23.rd, I will change the locks that day and anything remaining in the flat will be removed at the 23.rd 12:00 by movers to clean.

You have the chance to remove your stuff the whole week until 23.rd 12:00 and I suggest you take the opportunity to avoid any further costs on my side.

To clarify. I went to the Weesp police station and they told me that I do have the right to change the locks because I am the MAIN tenant and the lease is on me.

Have a good life and I hope you never see us again.

Indy’s BLOG – Weesp Police Station Visit

Today, after we went to the doggy place, we visited Weesp’s police station, explained a bit of the situation and asked for advice and what will happen if we change the locks in the apartment.

They considered that: “It’s a private matter and we don’t get involved in cases like this, but if you want to file a report, we are happy to do so.”

Anyhow, we are the main tenants of the flat and Alfred has absolutely nothing.

He will leave soon.
