Author Archives: IndyCa


Now, I need to tackle my blood sugar levels. As my digestive system slowly restarts and I need to learn how to adjust my diet to the new situation.

It’s a try and error operation. I do have a little guidance, but now I need to combine a diabetes diet with a low ballast one. Somehow counterproductive.

I am a cyborg!

I carry a new and fancy RFC Blood Sugar Sensor. No more blood needed to measure my actual status. Now I am directly connected to my smartphone and with a push of a button, I am up to date.

Now an app monitors my sugar level in real-time and warns me if my levels get critical.

As days go by!

I am still at the ICU and I realize that the recovery process will last longer than expected, but there is hope because the recovery process improves a little bit day by day. No more heavy pain medication needed, the sleep is ok and I had my first successful visit to the loo for two weeks. Jipiieeeeee, time to celebrate!


Today my doctor received the lab results and she rushed into my room to tell me the good news. They checked some of the removed tissue because they suspected cancerous cells.

“It’s your second birthday today. Mark the date.” The doctor smiled at me

Recap: Colours Inside! :)

After the operation, there was pain and I asked the nurse: “Is there anything with colours inside to help me to be as comfortable as possible for the moment?”

She smiled at me and replied. “I think I can help you with that. I will need to ask the doctor for a prescription, but that’s no problem. I will be back in a minute.” She smiled and left the room.

Two minutes later she returned with a big syringe and a button.” She connected the syringe and passed the button to me.

“You can click maximum four times per hour. You can go slow and watch a movie, then click every fifteen minutes. Or you go full stuff, click four times at once and relax a bit. It”s up to you.”

This foto was taken after taking a few shots.  Looking alright for the moment.


My consciousness came back, I slowly wake up. I hear the beeps of all the monitors.

My first thoughts. “How do I feel? Is there any pain or nausea?” I carefully check inside me and to my relief, I feel surprisingly good.

The nurse shows up. She tells me that the procedure went fine, with no complications.

Today is the day!

On Friday morning the nurse woke me up at 06:00, to have a shower and shave my belly.

Dressing up in the blue theatre clothing. Now it starts to get very real.

Unfortunately, I am not allowed to have any coffee and I am very nervous.

To the theatre

I was driven in my bed to the preparation area. It’s a cold place down in the cellar. Have you ever felt the cold of an operation theatre?

Green dressed nurses and doctors rush around, I need to wait a few minutes… Sitting on the cold stainless-steel table the tension raises, I shiver. There is no way of turning back now.

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