Author Archives: IndyCa

Indy’s BLOG – Moving day!

It’s an existing day, everything is nicely packed and ready for transport. Out while belongings fit into five boxes and one bag. The moving guys will arrive within the next hour and then we are on our way to our new flat. Finally we will have a place we like.

We just need to wait for the agency to confirm their presence.

Indy’s BLOG – Last night in Jan Pieter Heijestraat

We stayed here for around ten months and tonight it’s time to say goodbye. We really enjoyed the flat, a wonderful place where we found peace and the power to start new. It was our nest, the place we enjoyed to live in, but tonight it’s the last night. We already packed everything in boxes, cleaned the floor and now we are ready to move. Finally a place with absolutely no issues.

We will go to Weesp -> Here!

It’s freezing outside, around -15C and you really feel the cold.

Indy’s BLOG – What do you need? We want to move in!

Hello Jellyhair.
I am also a bit confused,because I thought all is in order.
Anyhow. What info do you need to finalize the contract?


Dear Vil,

We need from al the tenants:

– Copies of their passports

– Employers statements

– Names and current addresses

Can you come to the apartment at 15.30 today to met Jellyhair?

Dear Jellymother,

I will take care that the documents will be send to you ASAP.
Unfortunately I am not able to meet Max today.
I hope I still can move in tomorrow otherwise I would be in real problems.
Anyhow, have a sunny day.

Indy’s BLOG – The agency is confused

Hi Vil,

I’m confused about the tenant list! This is not how we made the first contract.

Can you please ask Marco to contact me aboud?

Below answers on your questions in BOLD:

Question 1: Do you have the contract in English?

[Comment] Jellyhair just ignored this question.

Question 2: Which additional cost to pay monthly or yearly? Maintenance, Waste, Water or insurance?

You have to ask previous tenant

[Comment] Why should Vil contact the previous tenant? The agency should know this data. They have records of every meter reading.

Question 3: How to pay the deposit? You already have Daniels deposit?

Will make the calculation for you after check-in

[Comment] This answer becomes very important when JellyMommy accuses Vil of lying.

Question 4: How to pay the monthly rent? Everyone by himself or all via me?

Via you

Question 5: Which additional papers I need to register at the Gemeente?


Question 6: Who is the actual owner? Is he living next door? I don’t understand the address.

Address is the same but lives out of the Netherlands.

Question 7; Anything else you need?


[Comment] Vil asked explicitly for anything to be clarified before move in.

We are working on the contract as we finally reserve a message of the owner. I’ll sent you the final contract asap but also need to know what happened with A. Di XXXXX & V.J. XXXXX.

[Comment] WTF? That’s the first time they use confidential customer and disclose them to a non authorized third party.

Indy’s BLOG – First contract with wrong names received.

Hello Jellyhaor,

thank you.
A few remarks.
The tenant list is wrong.
  • Dave
  • Alfred
  • Vil
Question 1: Do you have the contract in English?
Question 2: Which additional cost to pay monthly or yearly? Maintinance, Waste, Water or insurance?
Question 3: How to pay the deposit? You already have Dave’s deposit?
Question 4: How to pay the monthly rent? Everyone by himself or all via me?
Question 5: Which additional papers I need to register at the Gemeente?
Question 6: Who is the actual owner? Is he living next door? I dont understand the address.
Question 7; Anything else you need?
Just to let you know:
Alfred and I arranged the move for Thursday. Dave will supply us with the keys.
Have a good day

Indy’s BLOG – Don’t be such a TOURIST!

Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, is a beautiful town, famous for the Grachten, the Dutch food, the picturesque houses and surely the coffee shops. Amsterdam welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world to spend their money and have a wonderful time.

Virtually everyone is very welcome to see the Reichsmuseum, the Leidseplein, the Dam Square, the Anne Frank House, the Vondelpark, many more attractions and have party, BUT there is “The Rally Annoying Tourist” who is not really liked.

Here are a few tips not to be “The Tourist” and if you follow them, you will enjoy a hazzle free stay!


  • Don’t walk in groups and block the way. Please enjoy your viewing of wonderful Amsterdam and have a relaxed walk around, but don’t walk like a crowd of sheep and block the pathway, there are people living in this town which need to be somewhere some time. 🙂
  • Don’t walk on the bicycle lane, it’s dangerous! Dutch cyclists and scooter driver are most of the time quite fast on their way and it is really dangerous to walk on the bicycle lane. The bicycle lane should never be used for casual walking.
  • Be aware: “Smoking is not welcome everywhere!” Yes, Amsterdam is the town of weed and hashish and you can buy the stuff everywhere, BUT you are NOT welcome to smoke everywhere. You should only smoke at places where it is allowed and accepted and common sense dictates that you DON’T smoke at tram stations, other crowded places or wherever children are around.
  • It’s really cool to explore Amsterdam by bike, but don’t cycle like a JERK! You are welcome to cycle all over Amsterdam, but keep in mind that you don’t own the street, that you should respect pedestrians and always be alert to stop. It’s absolutely not ok to cycle in groups and clocking the streets or even falling totally stoned or drunk from a bicycle.
  • Don’t litter. Have your fast food and your drinks, but don’t throw your waste on the floor.
  • Allrite, talking about common sense. Just behave well and don’t be a jerk!

General Tips

  • Enter the tram at the correct entry. Don’t waste other peoples time by being an ignorant arse.
  • Be aware, there are pickpockets everywhere and they really like stoned and distracted people to steal your stuff. Always carry your important stuff like ID and money on your body.
  • Don’t buy drugs on the road! Amsterdam is quite tolerant for drugs, when you follow the legal path, but when you want something stronger and buy something on the road, you play with your life!, because there is a “pissing contest” going on between producers who can produce the strongest tablets and this is no good. This contest leads to the fact the pill you get today has more than five times the strength than pills a few years ago.
    If you really want to use other drugs than the legal ones available in the coffee shops, please let your drugs being tested before you enjoy them. You can test your drugs here -> DRUGTESTSERVICE! without any fear of legal problems.
  • Be aware that Amsterdam is a town living from tourists and unfortunately this brings also some shady people to Amsterdam which you better avoid. Be very careful when someone whats to be your friend too fast!

If you follow these easy steps, there’s nothing which can go wrong on your stay.

