Author Archives: IndyCa

ARBO Doctor

Today Vil had a meeting with the company doctor and it was agreed that he won’t return to work, because he missed too much time and he would need to be trained again, which would make no real sense. We need to wait now for the final examination and then we will decide what to do. Vil is really sad because he really liked to work for his company. Is was the first company who was interested in helping him to get better.

Camping space – Rodenburghoeve Uitgeest – Vlog 001

This morning was “organizing and moving time”. We went to the Vribujter (or however it’s written), bought cooking gear, gas stove, pots, cutlery and a sleeping bag. We are ready!

Then we “moved” to our new residence for three days. We have WIFI, water, a shower and electricity.

What do you need more?

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If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Fate is NOT on our side! – Moving time (AGAIN)!

Sometimes I ask myself: “WHY? Why is life so unfair, so cruel? This morning we woke up and there was bad news for us (AGAIN!). We stayed a few days with a friend and we planned to stay a bit longer, but unfortunately, she reacts allergically to me, her breathing is impacted and we need to leave as fast as possible. We are so sorry about this because we really liked to stay, it was a wonderful distraction and we had the chance to get some rest.

I know that we agreed to write more positive stuff, but it’s hard to find something positive today. We had a few days to recover and we are very grateful for this, but fate hit again. It’s not fair to our friend, not fair to Vil, not fair to everyone. We have no idea what to do, no idea where to sleep tomorrow, no fucking idea how to continue.

….. Thinking!

After the first “shock” we checked online for a camping place and there is one near to us. They accept me, have internet, a shower and everything we need to survive. We will go there tomorrow for three days.

On Monday we will repair the Dog-Trailer which was donated to us and check our luggage. On Wednesday Vil will have his last conversation with his employer how to terminate the working contract.

On Thursday we might be already on the road for our 2.972 km long walk.

See here for our latest status updates.

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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Black or White! Happy Dog Food.

I am a real gourmet, no surprise I am French. I like the best food, it doesn’t need to be fancy, but fresh, healthy and tasty. Easy and simple food plus the occasional bone. I like to eat and therefore I am always up to try something new.

Today I got a real treat I really need to tell you about. One of our friends made me the most incredible homemade food with chicken, rice, carrots, peas and other nice stuff. Carefully prepared and cooked with love. I was allowed to be the Guinea Pig to try all that good stuff. YUMMY! 🙂

And that was not everything I also got dog cookies made with peanut butter. OK, they might look not 100% industrial perfect and that’s exactly what I love. Crispy! We will publish an exclusive “live unboxing and taste test” later.

Black or White

Homemade Happy Dog Food

If you want to know more about Black or White – Homemade Happy Dog Food
feel free to send us a message via the contact form below!

Please excuse the ‘crappy’ pictures, the mobile is dying.

Now we are on our way to Krommenie.

Burp Bark…..

Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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We’ve got a Dog Trailer

We’ve got a Dog Trailer for ten bars of Milka Milk Chocolate. 🙂 Seriously! It’s similar to the picture above, but it stood outside for two years and now it’s quite. The trailer looks really nasty, makes funny noises, is completely rusty and covered in dust, but it’s a good trailer and all of that is no a problem because the trailer itself is working fine and a little bit of love and care will restore him to his former glory. WD-40, duct tape and a metal brush will do the trick. We also got a working lock.


Our Status
If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.

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Nowadays there are so many new ways you can help and support a project like ours. A simple like on Facebook, for example, might not seem very much, but with the power of the internet, hundreds or thousands of Likes and Share are a real value which can make dreams come true. A Like or a Share on Facebook, a Follow on Instagram or Twitter and you are already a part of our dream.
Thank you very much.
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