Today Vil got a new medicine he never had before. The information leaflet says that this medicine is for a high potassium level in his blood. Bottom line: His blood was so ducked up, that he nearly died of a heart attack.

Today Vil got a new medicine he never had before. The information leaflet says that this medicine is for a high potassium level in his blood. Bottom line: His blood was so ducked up, that he nearly died of a heart attack.
A few days ago Vil’s former landlady asked him for help, she needed some screenshots to prove that the deposit was paid to the agency and Vil didn’t hesitated to provide the requested documents. He ssked for a feedback but she didn’t even had the decency to reply with a thank you.
That’s the way rich people deal with problems. At first, they ignore everything and when it’s convenient for them they fu** you, also they ignore the law and the business attitude is questionable.
Maybe you say that Vil shouldn’t have send the documents. Well, we think that others behaving like *** is no reason for us to forget our good education.
And the funniest part. She wouldn’t needed to contact Vil for the documents, he already send them a few times, she was just too lazy to look in her inbox.
She maybe lost a few hundred Euros, but we lost everything. No home, no money……
See here for the full story in chronological order.
This morning Vil didn’t feel very well and all his values are out of range. He was lying in the shadow all day and tried to get better until he decided that he won’t make it without help. He called some friends and they directly rushed him to the OLVG West and me to our lady friend.
Yesterday Vil received an email from his former landlady asking for help to sue the agency. That’s a bit funny because the last time Vil had contact with her she threatened him to “use the full power of the law against him”. Anyhow, Vil is not a person who rejects requests for help, so he sent her the documents without any hesitation.
Hi Vil,
I hope you managed to find a nice place to stay after moving out from Weesp.
My battle with the agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Therefore I will need your help: do you mind sending me a copy of the deposit confirmation you paid them at the beginning of renting our apartment?
I am looking forward to your email.
-> My battle with the Hakkenbroek agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Let’s see if she ever comes back to us.
Vil bought a few things at the ACTION store in town. He had an idea about how to expand our living space with little effort. He bought a camouflage plastic plane and fixed it with flexible straps. He used the doggie trailer and the tent as a support structure and now we can chill and relax in the shadow.
Allrite, we are ready to go and we have no idea where we end up, but for the moment we have a good time. Vil is able to sleep very well and his health is improving. Ok, we don’t want to celebrate too soon, but for the moment we are gold.
The weather is perfect, the tea is hot and we will have a nice walk later. The camping place is located directly at the harbour.
Click to enlarge the panorama!
Today I met my brother from another mother. Have a good trip.
Yesterday one of the welfare ladies lost it and insulted one of our friends and this sms conversation happened.
Hello. Please stop annoying your neighbours and deal with me. The neighbours are NOT your business. I asked you before, please send me the contact details of your social worker. I need them to send the keys and to file an official complaint against you and her.
Again. Running away won’t save you this time. Blocking on whatsapp doesn’t work either.
Welfare lady:
Just give me the keys
Nope. I will report you anyway. So I need the contact details. Do you really think that you can get out of that without paying? You are a fraud and your social worker is a criminal helping you. I will do whatever is needed to stop you ducking up people. Better you face it. THE GAME IS OVER! So send me the contact details or I will go personally to the office and complain. Anyway, you will take responsibility for your actions.
Do you really think cheating the system can go on forever without you taking responsibility? With me you tried to cheat the wrong one. And yes I am very angry and anger is the best energy to get revenge. So face it. The game is over and now it’s judgement time.
Welfare lady:
You know what keep the keys otherwise i stick it in your ass you stinking kutmof
Well. Even getting rude won’t help you. You are a welfare fraud and you will pay for it. Your social worker is a criminal and she will pay for it as well. Face it. YOU LOST. And please continue to missbahave, that’s exactly what I expect from a stealing and manipulative person like you. You have no shame and your time is OVER! Tell you social worker to call me today or tomorrow otherwise I will go to the office on Monday and then hell will break loose. 😉
Welfare lady:
Ga xxxx lekker boemsen
Wow. Thank you for being so stupid to write this. A good prove for the lawyer that you are a irresponsible parasite. If you continue like this you will also get a police report of insulting people.
P.S.: If Patreon needs any prove, I am happy to provide them a statement, photos and the keys.
More about this HERE.
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When you are young, your life is most likely a very long party, you have fun and don’t really think about your future, or sickness and even death. You work in a call centre, you earn good money and you really have fun working all over the world. Everything is cool for you and there is nothing to worry about. Really? Unfortunately, there are more things to worry about you might not realize today.
For today let me ask you: “What will happen when you get sick tomorrow and you can’t work anymore?”
Maybe you worked all over Europe and you paid social security and taxes. A few years in Ireland, a few years in France, a few years in several other countries and you paid all over, but what will happen when you need social support?
NOTHING! You have paid everywhere, but to consolidate your achievements is nearly impossible. It will last months or even years and until all is sorted you will have to stay on welfare and wait.
Vil worked for more than thirty years all over Europe and the result is that he has achievements spread all over Europe, altogether would be enough achievements to be save in the future but there is not enough achievement in one country to receive any support.
There are thousands of “phone drones’ like you and Vil which are living in the moment and having very good life, but when you ask yourself about sickness or retirement, what would you answer? Most likely you never thought about this and you have no idea.
Unfortunately, there is no European register of social achievements for “phone drones” like you and Vil. There is no support to consolidate your achievements, more the opposite. Every country makes his own rules and the regulations and the procedures are made intentionally so complicated that it’s nearly impossible to get any help.
It’s a shame, Vil is (was) one of the workers who followed the work. He helped to rebuild the former DDR after the German reunification, he was in Ireland and supported products for companies like Novell, eBay and PayPal, he was in France and had a family, he was in the Netherlands, worked on the phone and much more.
The sad side about this is, that if he would have worked only in Germany he could retire with a nice pension, but now there is nothing.
How do you feel about that? Maybe we can do something together and build an “E.P.D.U – European Phone Drone Union”?
Please let us know what you think.
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