Today we went to our actual office, as we usually do after work. The two mile walk is quite nice. Vil walks me very day for a minimum of one and a half hour and on weekends we are outside all day. Ok , we went to the office, Vil had a coffee and a chat. All was fine until a small little white fucker jumped at me and tried to ….. me. Wow,….. Squeeeeeeek!
Vil took immediate action, grabbed the small one, “unplugged” him and saved me. Now, “small white fucker dog owner” finally appears and instead of taking care about “small little white fucker”, he grabbed Vil’s arm and said quite aggressive “leave my dog alone”….. WTF?
Small little fucker dog can be happy that I didn’t eat him and now this “responsible” dog owner tries to wind Vil up? Both are rude. Like we know: “The Dog is a reflection of the owner!” So, please “small white fucker dog” and his master: STAY AWAY FROM US!
There is kissing before fucking!!!
PS White fucker dog owner plays actually a quite good jazz,…………