Yesterday or to be more specific, this morning, Vil had an alcohol accident. 🙂 He came home from work, walked me and while doing so he checked his bank account and “quelle surprise” : PAYDAY!
So we went for a little bender which finished this morning around 0730. It started quite harmless, one beer and some food. After the meal the bartender offered a free shot and Vil decided to have a brown tequila with orange and cinnamon. You can’t stand on one leg, so he took another one and that was just the start.
While drinking until the pub closed at 03:00 I made contact with some nice people. Vil also enjoyed to have a chat and even more drinks. Well, that was not the end. We went “street drinking” and finally we ended up at a nice place with a fountain. No idea where. There we had a few six-packs and around 0700 Vil was very happy to walk home. In the beginning we had a little problem with the direction, because Vil was too shitfaced to read Google maps, so i took the lead and around 0730 we arrived at home.
Happy days.