A room from 695 Euro to 900 Euro within a few minutes.
my name is Vil and I found your advert on Kamernet.NL. I was wondering if the room is still available and if a viewing would be possible.Just a few words about me. I am German and I speak English, a little French and Dutch. I am working on the phone for XXXXXXXXX.com in Sloterdeijk.
I am well travelled, open minded, organized, not very messy, I can prepare a meal, I am quite relaxed, I am some kind of computer geek, but still a human being, good company and I look for a place which I can call home.
I do have a lovely, wonderful and well educated dog with me. She is seven years old and the best dog you will ever meet. 🙂 She rarely barks, is ok with everyone, even cats and she really likes to have company around her. (See the pictures in my profile).
Right now, we are on standby at a friends place, but this in no solution and we could move in today. 🙂
Please contact me via email or phone, skype and whatsapp: +31 / 06 – 401 93 884 to have a chat and arrange a viewing.
Have a wonderful day.
Vil & Indy
I think your 695 is reasonable.
Have a sunny day
Hey Guys, sorry to inform you, but the room for rent has been sold for 900 Euro per month!! Look how popular this room is! 🙂 It is also because of the location if you have the advertisement very well. It is off course because of the perfect location, on a five minutes walk to the Vondelpark and on a 15 minute’s to the Leidse Square/ City Center!!!! It is also AIRB and B alike. BUT the room will be coming available again in May. May be against the same price, but there I am not sure about. It will also be available via AirBandB. But I have not published the room over there on this moment. Many thanks for your responses!!! Regards, Ronald
Hey Dear People, Due to inadequate responses, I am removing my advertisements over here. But you can still respond. I am going to publish the advertisements of the rooms for rent again over here on Kamernet as per today. But please respond quickly, because I can sell my rooms for rent within 12 hrs. You can find them also on FB. Regards, Ronald Jansen Director/ Owner of LP. Housing Solutions.
ps.: I also have a FB page with the name LP. Housing Solutions. Please subscribe yourself over there!!!!! I also have apartments for rent
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