Indy’s BLOG – Easter, 1st April…. No more Hotel!

Sunday morning. Easter morning and before the first coffee the stress arrives.

Alfred: “Were is the vacuum cleaner?”

Vil: “For you out of service, because you didn’t pay anything for cleaning stuff. I bought everything last month with my last money and I am not your service agency and this is no hotel.”

He comes near me and invades my range of privacy. It’s a pretty aggressive statement’ and I don’t feel very well with that. I better back off, but not for me, for him. I don’t want to explode.

Alfred: “Bla, bla, bla….. another threat…. bla…. bla… bla…!”

I decide ignore him, there is no use to continue this useless discussions, I will leave the house and have a walk, because I don’t really know how to keep calm if he continues to bother me.

Are you fucking joking? You behave like a tool and now you still have demands? Just to let you know, that the hotel service is over. I don’t know which planet you are from, but in our galaxy there is a basic understanding of decency and respect.

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